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sedodom 與 14881411 之間的談話
正在顯示訪問者留言 1 到 1,共計 1
  1. 14881411
    2009-05-03 07:34 AM
    你好,我是剛在sedo 註冊沒多久的會員,昨天發現原來註冊後,還要經過認證程序才能買賣網域,但我實在看不懂sedo寄過來的認證信,部份內容如下:

    Please review the details in the attached PDF document containing instructions on certifying your account. If your information is correct, please read and sign the Member Certification Statement and return to Sedo using the fax or mailing information provided. Once Sedo has received and processed your signed Member Certification Statement you will receive a confirmation email.

    Electronic submissions of the signed Member Certification statement will only be accepted through Sedo's Customer Support Center at http://support.sedo.com; for the statement to be processed you must first be logged into your Sedo account before submitting it. Any Member Certification statements sent to Sedo via standard email will not be processed.

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