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我覺得 如果那些學生中有幾個有槍自衛的話就不會這麼嚴重了
之前有怀疑认为凶手是华人~ April 17, 2007 Massacre in Virginia: The Day After By Mike Nizza Tags: breaking news, murder, virginia News Conference at Virginia Tech | 9:27 AM ET Superintendent of Virginia State Police, Steve Flaherty: Despite ballistics tests, evidence is not yet sufficient to conclude that one shooter was responsible for both events. He held out the possibility of an accomplice. Virginia Tech’s Police Chief, W.R. Flinchum: Ballistics tests confirm one handgun was used in both shootings. Name of shooter is confirmed as Seung-Hui Cho, a 23-year-old English major from South Korea. A 9 milimeter handgun and a .22 caliber handgun were recovered at Norris Hall. Virginia Tech’s President, Charles W. Steger: No classes at Virginia Tech for rest of week. Norris Hall closed for semester. Suspect’s Name Emerges | 8:57 AM ET The shooter’s name is Seung-Hui Cho, according to federal law enforcement officials interviewed by The Times. More soon. Update on the Wounded | 8:18 AM ET All 12 people taken to Montgomery Regional Hospital and Lewis-Gale Medical Center are in stable condition, including three who were critical last night, according to Scott Hill, chief executive officer of Montgomery. The patients are all students. There are wounded victims at other hospitals, so stay tuned for further updates. Interview With President | 6:30 AM ET “He was one of our students,” Charles W. Steger, Virginia Tech’s president, said this morning on CNN. Offering the most detailed official description so far, Mr. Steger said the shooter at Norris Hall was an Asian male student who lived on campus in one of the dormitories. The suspect was called the “second shooter,” and the president left open the possibility of a another suspect, although not another shooter. He refused to link that shooting with the earlier one at a dormitory across campus. Two people were killed there. Mr. Steger also strongly defended law enforcement officials on campus, who faced heavy criticism for their performance on Monday. “I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted that another event was going to take place two hours later,” he said. Asked if they blew it, he countered that the police “have handled this as skillfully as anyone might be able to do it.” The campus newspaper has posted a list of “confirmed deceased” from the first and second shootings. A news conference is set for 9 a.m. Eastern time. |
美國發生那麼多校園槍擊事件 也不能叫學生帶槍上課吧? 但是為什麼沒有派駐警力在學校? 以避免類似事件? |
連凶手Cho Seung-hui的網址全都被註光了。昏倒!
连这个Ismail Ax外加 - 都被注册了。 搜索到的资料 "Ismail Ax" is a well known phrase in the Muslim world. The Muslims believe that the [Old Testament] is wrong in saying that Abraham was supposed to kill Isaac with a knife, rather they believe he was supposed to kill Ishmael (Ismail) with an Axe. They also believe that Abraham was supposed to go out and attack idols with an axe, and some also attribute the phrase to meaning that Ishmael was supposed to kill Isaac, the father of all Western culture, with an axe. |
真有意思 先弄幾十個小狗的域名
然後放出消息說趙承熙養過幾十隻小狗 分別叫做。。。XXXXX |
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