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liyen 2010-07-21 01:29 AM


作者: 哈啦 (文章 155637)

:XD: 王者不動如山

HelloFriend 2010-07-21 09:05 PM

的確,拿到 .com的,就不必多花錢再註冊 .co 了

best-url 2010-07-21 09:53 PM

這個 .CO 的售價 更令人咋舌 -


Overstock buys the O.co domain name

Overstock.com Inc. today announced it has bought the domain name O.co from .co Internet S.A.S., the registry operator for the .co domain.

Today is the first day that .co Internet S.A.S. is making .co domain names available to the general public.

Overstock, No. 28 in the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide, says it paid $350,000 to secure the O.co domain name. At launch, O.co redirects consumers to Overstock.com.

But that may change in the future, says Jonathan Johnson, Overstock president.

“As Overstock changes from strictly a liquidator to a general retailer we think that having a name different from Overstock will be beneficial to the brand,” he says. “We will continue branding ourselves as Overstock.com for the near future but over time we may morph into O.”

Overstock considers “O” to be an integral element of its brand recognition and current marketing initiatives, says Johnson. For instance, the retailer’s loyalty program is called Club O loyalty program and its wholesale site is located at O.biz.

“We think the O is a really important part of our brand,” he says. “We think many people think of us as the O. And single-letter domain names are rare so we’re glad to have this one.”

MiniFoot 2010-07-21 10:18 PM

大家好像有意把 .co 的價值拱高,

.co 有機會成為一人之下(.com)萬人之上(超越.net、.org)的後綴嗎? :shorto

Webii 2010-07-22 11:32 AM


dmwc 2010-07-22 10:16 PM

我覺得 .co 比 .asia 好多了,贏最多的是它是兩個字,另外他與 .com 相近,可以魚目混珠,當然也可能白白送流量給 .com

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