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Bramiozo 2004-11-01 05:53 AM

I have the following domains, are their translations correct ?:

capital simp. 资本.net
Tom.com simp. 汤姆.com
tom.com trad. 湯姆
god of thunder simp. 雷公.com
clothing simp. /trad. 衣物.com
extra simp. 额外.com
extra trad. 額外
portable simp. 便攜式.
portable trad. 便携式.
monitor trad. 螢幕.com
online simp. 在网上.com
pass simp. 通行证.com
revenue simp. 收支.com

whosee 2004-11-01 08:14 AM


作者: 哈啦";p=&quot (文章 34611)





哈啦 2004-11-01 08:27 AM

capital simp. 资本.net ---->exactly
Tom.com simp. 汤姆.com ---->exactly
tom.com trad. 湯姆 ---->exactly
god of thunder simp. 雷公.com ---->exactly but what is this domain for?
clothing simp. /trad. 衣物.com ---->right but not very good for a domain
extra simp. 额外.com ---->that's ok but no Chinese will use this domain
extra trad. 額外 ---->that's ok but no Chinese will use this domain
portable simp. 便攜式. ---->that's ok
portable trad. 便携式. ---->that's ok
monitor trad. 螢幕.com ---->exactly
online simp. 在网上.com ---->no , it should be "線上"
pass simp. 通行证.com ---->no
revenue simp. 收支.com ---->that's ok

Hi, many Chinese words have multi meanings as other languages are, however, some meaning are very common use and some are not. So if you talk to a Chinese that 技術 is referred to "tech", maybe he may understand, but he won't use the same word you used, he may say "科技" when he wants to refer the word "tech".

Are you a overseas Chinese or else?

good luck!

Bramiozo 2004-11-01 06:04 PM

Actually, I am not Chinese at all :) , I just have an interest in Chinese domains.

I regged "god of thunder" because I thought mythology was of great importance in Asia. . "Clothing", yeah "clothes" was taken :=) so ...

How is the IDN-market evolving in China/Taiwan, any big sales yet ?

Thanks for the help, appreciate it :) .

哈啦 2004-11-01 06:28 PM


How is the IDN-market evolving in China/Taiwan, any big sales yet ?
Only .TW IDN domains can be resolved for now, not sure about .CN, and not any gLTD IDN can be resolved so far, I had given up all of my gTLD IDN domains since I regged them few years ago, and won't reg any one in the future, I think English domains rule the internet world. :)
No sales of any IDN domains in Asia as I know.

good luck.

best-url 2004-11-01 06:34 PM

Probably I should say the IDN-market in China/Taiwan was "nothing happen" till now...

I personal like the IDNs domain name, but not many other peoples likes me. Most of the domainer still pay attention on .com, I believe...


作者: Bramiozo";p=&quot (文章 34638)
Actually, I am not Chinese at all :) , I just have an interest in Chinese domains.

What do you mean that you are not Chinese at all ?
is it mean that you were a Chinese before ? (sorry, my English is poor, so, I do not understand these words.)

哈啦 2004-11-01 06:42 PM


best-url 2004-11-01 07:01 PM

我先前好像在 DNforum 上看過類似的 西洋人 註冊 "中文".com 域名後, post 上去估價的; 可能為同一人吧 ?!

Bramiozo 2004-11-01 11:32 PM

Yep I am that same person, best-url is right, I am native Dutch. There's only one bramiozo ;) .

哀憐IDN 不普遍 :(

best-url 2004-11-01 11:42 PM


作者: Bramiozo";p=&quot (文章 34659)
Yep I am that same person, best-url is right, I am native Dutch. There's only one bramiozo ;) .

哀憐IDN 不普遍 :(

壞瀏覽器支持 - Not really; I think that the IDNs domain was not popular at this moment ~

Maybe in near future (I hope so), who knows ?! :hehe

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