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dx2 2004-11-01 11:52 PM

punny code解決一半的問題,但是另一半的問題是你如何讓一個不懂中文的外國友人用他的英文瀏覽器上中文網站?

哈啦 2004-11-02 07:00 AM


Bramiozo 2005-01-15 01:04 AM




I have contacted tom.com, they should be interested.

哈啦 2005-01-15 01:18 AM


作者: Bramiozo



I have contacted tom.com, they should be interested.

Hmm... Are you not afraid of the trade mark issue with tom.com? ~rusure

Bramiozo 2005-01-15 05:57 AM

I have doubts about that since it is trademarked as Tom Online an I am not sure to what extent Tom is actually trademarked and can be trademarked since there are a lot of asian ""tom"".ext sites out there.
Off course if it would be trademarked as Tom.com, it does not mean it's translations are also trademarked.

But you are right that I should be cautious, I'll let this auction pass and do some research. Shall I indirectly ask tom.com what my rights are ?

p.s. when I said that I contacted tom.com, I was about to send it, thought prevailed though.

Bramiozo 2005-01-15 06:01 AM

There might be a problem if indeed the translations of tom.com are trademarked ; "tom.com enterprises Limited"

best-url 2005-01-15 10:01 AM

Hi Bram,

for your signature - [ Bram 對漢語和臺灣認為你好 ] sounds strange ?

do you mean that you'd like to [ say 'hello' to Chinese & Taiwan ] or ... ?

Bramiozo 2005-01-15 06:01 PM

and now ? :)

哈啦 2005-01-15 06:24 PM


Bram 說 你好對所有
Grammer is wrong now and before. The correct grammer shoud be like this " Bram 對所有人說你好" -->Bram says "How are you" to all of you.

Bramiozo 2005-01-15 07:08 PM

Ok changed, thanks. About the trademark, tom.com.cn is not owned by the Tom Group and it's activities certainly interfere with the activities of tom.com, shouldn't they worry more about trademark issues then I do ?

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