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他有說理由嗎? |
Hello, I took a closer look at the history of the domain and I can see that the domain was very popular at one time. However, it is still being heavily promoted, perhaps by its former owners and the traffic is not converting to sales for our advertising partner's sponsors. As per our agreement with them we can no longer accept the traffic. However, I will have our billing department pay you the accrued revenue to the point we needed to block the domain yesterday. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Best regards, Jay Finnan 總之就是他們的廣告商沒辦法從我這域名得到應有的宣傳效益,所以sedo不願繼續付錢, 但我的流量與他們的條約又兩不相悖(我沒作弊),所以他們只好以願意付之前的費用來打發我.... 這實在是非常糟糕的手段,對一個如此知名的大公司來說. ~sucks 不過幸好有哈啦兄幫忙,不然我連一毛都拿不到. ~yes |
还是证实我原来的说法,亚洲流量对欧美广告商是无意义的。但是你可以试试其他公司看看,但是我想也会和sedo一样对你的,因为那些Park Domain都是用的欧美广告商的feed啊。
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