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對方說網址(xxxx.com.tw)無法申請為註冊商標 只有特取部分(xxxx)才可申請 好像跟whosee老大之前提到的有所出入 ~embarass: 不同後綴的網名一大堆 要註冊相同特取部分的話, 除非營業項目不同才可申請吧 |
Re: 註冊商標
但如商標圖形雷同或類似,就算營業項目相同.商標局審定可接受並通過該商標申請, 但還是必須先登上"商標公報"上公佈,如有人提出異議,可能就需重審! 經過幾個月(時間我忘了)上的"商標公報",無人提出異議,便正式商標註冊完成! |
應該也可行..只要將這xxxx.com.tw 儘量以圖型排列(所有這些字,盡量非以電腦字型可以打得出來),但這圖型排列也可很清楚標示代表這xxxx.com.tw. 要無後顧之憂,只要從xxxx變化設計即可,通過商標,就起碼可以跟xxxx.com.tw 對應上(符合使用這) 目前.com.tw絕對列入所謂"通用字"...就算過了,應該也列為不在專用之內! |
商標註冊的費用大約多少呢?是否有期限,還是註了就永續了? |
圖片加網址, 可以申請註冊正商標 ~greenlau:
即使你所使用的網址只是一般印刷字體 審核費用最低NT$4,000元起, 從送件到真正領到註冊證, 最快約一年半.. ~dead 如果審核不通過或發生與他人雷同 (恰巧對方的申請日期也比你早幾天), 審核費用將不退還, 更改註冊圖片必須重附申請書及一筆數千元的變更費用! |
但是網路上已經有一家叫做酷哈了說 |
最近我想用七個中文字(不是圖形喔) 申請商標
請問版上有沒有申請過商標的前輩呢 可否用 msn 向你們請益? 我的msn是 rushu@ms26.hinet.net 謝謝囉 我前幾天我也有打電話去問 承辦人員說 文字也可以申請為商標 那是不是表示 "台灣網名俱樂部" 這幾個字可以申請為商標呢? 這樣的話 網址 沒有理由不能申請商標阿 ~what 商標申請須知 http://www.tipo.gov.tw/trademark/tra...rk_knowhow.asp 商標申請表格 http://www.tipo.gov.tw/trademark/trademark_table.asp |
基本可選擇特定的一類做為註冊 (指定該類的20種品項或服務, 審核費NT$4,000元) 若您同一類別, 要指定超過20種品項或服務, 審核費會更高! 商標, 祇對你註冊並指定的項目內容發生效力, 除非是知名商標或惡意註冊使用, 否則先申請者將先獲准註冊. 另外,「台灣」不能做為商標的一部份. 若申請案件送出包含「台灣」字樣, 在審核階段即無法通過 ~embarass: 若您申請更換圖案或文字, 還要補繳個幾千元, 申請案件等於重新開始! |
例如網址包含 DOMAIN 這幾個字, 如果他人已註冊的商標中已包含 DOMAIN 這幾個英文字, 申請案被駁回的機率就會比一般情況高一些! 同樣的, 申請字中包含地名、縣市名... 申請案被駁回的機率也超高, 除非您有恆心 提出很多說明資料, 證明您使用確實具有代表性, 否則不建議您去花這冤枉錢. |
[提醒][轉貼] 跟 商標 有關的消息
剛收到的消息 / 跟 商標 有關的一則判例: [French Court Fines Google]
Newsletter Issue 518, 22nd October 2003 French Court Fines Google After a recent court case in France, the current search leader Google has been fined 75,000 Euros for linking text advertisements to a trademarked French phrase. A French travel company sued Google after it was claimed that they let other companies link their ads to the trademarked phrase, "Bourse des vols". But Google is not the only company guilty of this activity and the judgment could have a very significant effect across the entire search industry, where this practice occurs on a frequent basis. This is the first time that a ruling of this kind has been passed and could lead to a situation where companies providing search services will have to consult a list of trademarks before offering them to advertisers. Google will be appealing the decision, arguing that the term "Bourse des vols" was not covered by a valid trademark. But Google will still have to make the necessary changes as the appeal is processed or face further fines of 1500 Euros per future occurrence. This is not the first time that the French courts have ruled against an Internet company. In late 2000, Yahoo was ordered to restrict access to parts of its site so that French users couldnt visit any sites that sold Nazi memorabilia. This case caused a great deal of controversy, with legal developments arising between France and the former CEO of Yahoo, Timothy Koogle. This latest ruling is also likely to start a new wave of debate and could have a tremendous effect on the current structure of paid advertising on search websites. |
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