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domainplayer 2007-12-08 06:48 PM


以下為最終得標價 ($USD):
music.mobi $616,000
games.mobi $401,500
sports.mobi $101,000
movies.mobi $82,000
videos.mobi $51,000
photos.mobi $51,000

“Hello to all of you the good domainers in this forum.

Thanks for all of the good and great coments. As you may already know, I won the bidding for the top 6 .mobi names. The transaction will close in the next few weeks.

My expertise may not be in the domain arena, (I have been here for over a year), but at one point in my life I was in charge of over 100K domain names some years back. I bought domains back in 1995 when people would not believe in the internet. I am sure many of you didn’t like someone paying $7.5 for business.com some years back, but when the domain and site was sold sometime back , people should realize that when someone has a vision, you will be provided with the rewards at the end of that vision.

For me .MOBI will be the next internet (not replacing the internet now). I believe people eventually will rather type on the phone games.mobi because they will believe that games.mobi is phone ready and games.com is not. At least in my mind 4 or 5 phone users vs 1 internet user, that will bring for sure some direct type ins on my names.

Lastly, all of us have to agree that you purchase names always on especulations, just like when you buy a house in pre-cunstruction, you buy it at $300K and 3 or 4 years later maybe worth 3 or 4 times more… (At least it was like that.)… So I bought at pre-construction prices.

I am sorry for my english But thanks again, and I wish the very best day for you, and declaring angels serving you at all times…

Alvaro Albarracin”

some 2007-12-09 12:55 PM

他這些錢集合起來可以買一隻絕佳的 .com 了..

誰說 .com 的網址不能做手機可以閱讀的內容網站.. ?
誰說一定要 .mobi
.mobi 會不會有這些的前景? 另人懷移.. 不過是一隻普通的後輟..

tansks 2007-12-09 04:28 PM

我也觉得他花太多钱了。不值得。我想 .mobi 的价值已经被高估了。

maileid 2007-12-09 04:29 PM

未來手機發展好了, 就像電腦自己加上www .com 一樣, .mobi沒價值才不相信

some 2007-12-09 04:55 PM


作者: maileid (文章 115616)
未來手機發展好了, 就像電腦自己加上www .com 一樣, .mobi沒價值才不相信

從網路以前到現在的走勢.. 唯有 .com 是不變的道理..

.biz ? 有多少人真的拿它來當 business ?
.name ? 有多少人拿它來代表自己的 name ?
.info ? 有多少人拿它來架information 網站?

.pro ? 是真的很專業不得而知, 只知道它也是眾多後輟的其中一個.

當然 .mobi 也不例外.. 如果手機真的只能看 .mobi架的網站那只是手機資訊提供商自尋死路而已..

.com is the king ...... ~yes

chennien 2007-12-09 05:53 PM

聽說 .mobi 要內建為手機按鍵之一?


ras0314 2007-12-09 06:05 PM


作者: chennien (文章 115620)
聽說 .mobi 要內建為手機按鍵之一?



就算是內建之一, 最好是重的次序的排名比 com 和 net 還前面啦 ~cici

如果一開始 mobi 就是初始設定, 想要連到 com 或 net 還要另外挑選的話, mobi 就會很紅翻天了~


tansks 2007-12-09 09:34 PM

手机也可以游览 .com 啊,这在乎怎样那个网站怎么写啊。不同的 device 可以自动呈现不同的页面啊。

我赞同 same 大大说的 .com is the king.

maileid 2007-12-09 09:48 PM

.biz, .info .XXXXXXXXXX 各種解釋分類, 但都透過電腦瀏覽

不是說.com在手機上不能瀏覽, 但一個.tw 一個.hk , 你相信.tw是台灣多於.hk是台灣
music.mobi走在music.com後也不是不好吧 ?
你要花多少 $$ 才能買一個music.com回來.
當然.com有的時候你不買, 走去買.mobi做手機, 這是笨的.

他可能最笨的是不會學some大哥, 在後面加個o


kjl 2007-12-09 10:28 PM


marklin 2007-12-09 10:32 PM

.mobi 要紅,要看人們使用手機的加值功能的機會多不多

54.com 2007-12-10 11:11 AM


作者: some (文章 115618)
從網路以前到現在的走勢.. 唯有 .com 是不變的道理..

.biz ? 有多少人真的拿它來當 business ?
.name ? 有多少人拿它來代表自己的 name ?
.info ? 有多少人拿它來架information 網站?

.pro ? 是真的很專業不得而知, 只知道它也是眾多後輟的其中一個.

當然 .mobi 也不例外.. 如果手機真的只能看 .mobi架的網站那只是手機資訊提供商自尋死路而已..

.com is the king ...... ~yes


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