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-   -   §.com is on auction at SEDO!(§.com在 SEDO拍卖中!) (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=23940)

wangjinhk 2009-02-04 02:17 AM

§.com is on auction at SEDO!(§.com在 SEDO拍卖中!)

wangjinhk 2009-02-04 10:15 PM


Estimated end time: 2 days 7 hours 48 min.
(Feb/06/09 11:03 PM CET)

best-url 2009-02-05 03:30 PM

目前 -

Current Bid: 1,849 USD

Estimated end time:
1 day 14 hours 36 min.

戰績不錯 恭喜 ~yes

期盼能幫 符號域名 締造高售價 ~iwin

ladios 2009-02-05 06:47 PM

恕我愚昧... § 這個字在鍵盤上要怎麼打?

wangjinhk 2009-02-05 07:17 PM


作者: ladios (文章 134118)
恕我愚昧... § 這個字在鍵盤上要怎麼打?


ladios 2009-02-05 08:16 PM


作者: wangjinhk (文章 134122)

謝謝. 不過看完這段以後我還是打不出來
Typing the section sign

* Many keyboard layouts have a dedicated key for the section sign.
* Mac OS U.S. Keyboard layout: Option + 6. U.S. Extended Keyboard layout: Option + 5.
* X Window System, with a Compose Key, Compose + s + o, or Compose + ! + s
* TeX: \S
* Vim in insert mode: Ctrl + K, SE; Ctrl + V, 167
* Emacs: C-x 8 S
* Windows Alt code: Alt + 0167; Alt + 21; Alt + 333333; Alt + 789; (on numeric keypad)
* US-International keyboard layout: AltGr + Shift + S

ladios 2009-02-05 08:19 PM

哦 打出來了

ALT + 0167

數字要用數字鍵打, 而且數字鍵要把鍵盤上的NUM-LOCK打開

用這種文字做網址, 為什麼能賣這麼貴的價錢? 並不好輸入呀.

wangjinhk 2009-02-05 09:04 PM


作者: ladios (文章 134125)
哦 打出來了

ALT + 0167

數字要用數字鍵打, 而且數字鍵要把鍵盤上的NUM-LOCK打開

用這種文字做網址, 為什麼能賣這麼貴的價錢? 並不好輸入呀.


wangjinhk 2009-02-05 10:21 PM


Estimated end time: 1 day 7 hours 41 min.
(Feb/06/09 11:03 PM CET)

wangjinhk 2009-02-06 08:26 PM


Estimated end time: 0 day 9 hours 36 min.
(Feb/06/09 11:03 PM CET)

best-url 2009-02-07 03:34 AM


Estimated end time: 0 day 2 hours 36 min.
(Feb/06/09 11:03 PM CET)
Current Bid: 3,330 USD
Reserve met!
Currency conversion as per today's conversion rate:
2,602 EUR
2,266 GBP
Bidding History (24 Bids)
恭喜 ~yes


繼續加油. . .

zhoush 2009-02-07 08:52 AM

IDN:§.com 7282$,Congratulations

best-url 2009-02-07 10:54 AM

2009 年 開春大事 -



§.com | Bidding History
Winning Bid: 7,282 USD
Reserve met!
Winning Bidder: Bidder 3
Auction ended: Feb/06/09 11:23 PM CET

舞龍舞獅 狂賀 wangjinhk 版友
拍得好佳績 ~iwin

edenCC 2009-02-07 12:12 PM

§.com | Bidding History
Winning Bid: 7,282 USD
Reserve met!
Winning Bidder: Bidder 3


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