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[一封信值一千萬!] 此事竟然發生在小弟身上! 有些版上大大應該知道小弟在台北市開計程車, 每天開12小時的車,扣扣油錢,車子貸款,每日不到八百,一千的所得. 直到八月初,無意中, 在google上打入小弟的[石頭湯電腦公司] 一個傷心的名子,無意中蒐尋到[domainplayer]在論壇中討論到小弟, 來到 [Domain.Club.tw] 不知道是到了哪裡,竟然有一些人與小弟有同樣的興趣, 於是開始與大家討論,不知天高地厚大放厥辭, 直到九月二號收到 SEDO來的一封信 原文如下 From : "Sedo Parking-Control" (parkingcontrol@sedo.com) Subject : Re: Sedo Domain-Parking [August 2004] Dear Vincent Liao, We've detected some abnormal behaviour with your parked domains. Your traffic statistics do not conform with typical rates. We would like to know where this volume of traffic has come from, as both Sedo and our advertising partner are concerned about users abusing the parking programme. We would like to make sure that the traffic generated by your domain(s) does not contravene the Terms and Conditions of the parking programme. Such contraventions would include, but are not exclusive to * clicking yourself * using scripts or other automatic means to generate clicks * using pop-ups * incentivized clicks * anything that does not result from natural traffic If you can provide an explanation for why your domains are receiving such high traffic statistics, that would be helpful for us, and for our advertising partner. Should we deem future traffic to be in breach of the terms and conditions of our parking service, we will withhold the revenue and block you from the parking programme. This email is not stating that you are contravening, or have contravened, the terms of use, it is merely a response to regular checks on the way the service is used. Any information you can give us will aid us in assessing the situation and will be held on file for future reference. Please reply within 3 days of receipt of this e-mail. If you do not reply in the time given, your revenue will be deleted. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Daniel Klotz Customer Support.Marketing / Operator Domain-Parking sedo GmbH ?Friesenwall 5-7 ?50672 Köln tel +49 221.420758.0 ?fax +49 221.420758.11 http//www.sedo.de ?mailtoinfo@sedo.de 小弟知道,如不小心回的話八月的一千多歐元就不見了. 回信如下 Dear SEDO, [DIY.nxx] is parking at Networksolutions, becaus I had buy a service call [Web_Forwording] on the networksolutions. You can see the [diy.nxx] whois messages. The others domain names are all parking at SEDO. I never against the rule from SEDO. Does something need me provide for you , please let me know. Sincerely! Vincent Liao 老實說! 別人說我做假,心中就有氣,本身又是技術底的,寫了一些自以為是的資料. 一想不對,但信已經發出了,要救也沒辦法了. 傻了, 呆了一段好久的時間! 好長的時間.... 實在不知道自己在作甚麼! 所有流量99%是從[DIY.nxx]來的,一天50歐大洋起跳,60,70是常有的事. 自己好像寫了一篇[東窗事發],來喔!我做弊喔,抓我ㄚ. 一個月1,600歐大洋,一年20,000歐大洋,十年,只要 [BandQ][SEDO]不倒, 就有近千萬, 啊你是在做甚麼?! 打了一通美國電話求教國外的學長,請他幫忙修一下,又回了第二封信.內容如下 Dear Mr. Klotz, I have carefully read your email again and reviewed all of my 40+ domains parked at SEDO. I figured out actually only "diy.nxx" got higher hit rate but all others stay pretty low. I believe "DIY - Do It Yourself" has become the most popular key word for people who search for information at web site. It may also good from customers with B&Q company which owns most diy.com, diy.biz, etc for their DIY business. I may send my thanks to B&Q for their free advertisements!! :-) Back to your concerns - No, I never did "clicking yourself". Never "using scripts or other automatic means to generate clicks". No "using pop-ups"; no "incentivized clicks" or "anything that does not result from natural traffic"; or any other illegal ways to generate traffic. I only set up the parking at SEDO for my domains and wait for a win-win for both SEDO's customers and me. Please feel free ask or update me any status. Best Regards, 等待! 日子真的很難過的一個星期, 直到 今天 [SEDO]的來 信 Hello again from Sedo, thank you for replying to our first mail. We checked your domains again and are happy to tell you that your revenue for august will be paid out the next days. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Best Regards, Daniel Klotz Customer Support.Marketing / Operator Domain-Parking 您相信嗎?! [一封信]值一千萬 一個網址讓一位高級網路工程師負債300萬. 也因一個網址,讓計程車司機翻了身. 在此感謝 哈啦貴人, Domainplayer, KJL, Myweb , Ricado, Monkey, Ismile, Seesawgame, Alextung, Vista, Shenghong... 感謝各位的幫忙! 再三感謝 |
啊...福氣啦 ~youarebe: |
只能說當初你真的註到寶了~~ |
忘記寫 謝謝Jandy大大, Thanks a lot!
簡直是太開心了∼ 實在佩服你當初的眼光,以及這麼多年堅持不放的毅力 才能夠時來運轉∼ 厲害∼ |
1千萬沒了.說不一定下一個是2千萬 |
以後是一億:) |
因為vincentliao兄挖好渠道、翻好土、撿完石頭才長出那麼好的幸運草 機會總是留給準備好的人~ 網路又一波熱潮了~ 搞不好以後可以賣到更好的價錢~ ~youarebe: |
sedo因該聯係您,把您作爲一個明星來捧,這樣可以大大刺激sedo的知名度,也會加速網絡業的偉大復興~ 您是英雄啊!
HERO! 我讚美你~ |
我也有喔! 謝謝啦..恭喜恭喜!! ^^"
Vincent大大,你的流量應是從diynet.com走過來的.該站Alexa排名7386.恭喜囉! :D
天呀 ~
天底下居然有這種事 ? 很難想像 Sedo 也很有擔當的 願意支付如此高的 ppc ~youarebe: 贊成 iBlog 的看法: [sedo因該聯係您,把您作爲一個明星來捧,這樣可以大大刺激sedo的知名度,也會加速網絡業的偉大復興~] 為您 鼓掌叫好 !!! :party |
到时候只要分点佣金给小弟就行啦! 开个玩笑! ?:D |
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Dear [888] 大大, 補充一下 小弟架站比[diynxx.com]還早,兩個網站很早就有分開區隔了, 有用 Webalizer 觀察過一段不短的時間,兩三年吧. Exit,Reference皆與[DIY.com]有關,小弟猜測應該[DIY.com]的流量驚人. 小弟相對受惠 http://vincentliao.myweb.hinet.net/s...ark_diynet.jpg |
^^" 承蒙錯愛! 再跳一次給你看 ^^"
~greenlau: 網路也有樂透彩
vincentliao大大是令人敬佩的pioneer ~yes |
[Domainplayer]您才是真正的專家,只是很好奇,您每天花多少時間研究呢? 您可以把您的資料整理一下出一本[Domain Name 研究大全]必然大賣. 引用:
您別這樣嗎?您才是大人大量,小弟幫您開車提公事包. 引用:
瞎貓碰到笨耗子.感謝啦. 引用:
您教導的嗎?!只是需要教到早上三四點ㄛ? 引用:
http://www.sedo.com/search/hitlist.p...ge=us&limit=50 前方還很多高手,有些人根本是自用,也不會來Parking,會來的應該是想賣或是純投資,放著也是放著.有無Parking皆沒差的人不在少數, 小弟認為[SEDO]算是很嚴謹的公司,也沒有網頁綁架事件,對大家都好,應該有做到 Win_Win Both. |
我可承受不起啦! ?:D 好,说正经的 http://www.sedo.com/search/hitlist.p...ge=us&limit=50 凭什么pon.cc排第一? |
ALEXA排行才一百多萬名,結果一天竟然有數萬人次!... |
在 dnforum 有人討論過, URLtrader 也鬧場過, 感覺是要付費或對[SEDO]有些貢獻的才會好一點排行, 其他靠實力 SEDO在DNforum的回答 Priority is given to: 1) Parked domains 2) Featured domains 3) Good customers-- eg, users who buy and sell a lot through Sedo 4) domains with good value prices 引用:
有幾件事想請教各位前輩: 1. 所謂把domain namepark在sedo是什麼意思呢? 2. 把DN park 在sedo之後如何有流量產生呢? 3. parking DN 的最終目的是要將它賣個好價錢還是利用流量賺錢呢? 如果問題引人啼笑皆非 還請各位前輩見諒 ;) |
恭喜恭喜....真的是躺著,錢就進來的好域名 ~greenlau:
2.好的dn有type in流量.不需廣告四處登錄就有流量.(例diy.book.party).而把自己流量跟sedo合作 3.都有 |
小弟也是學了一個多月 哈啦站長大大寫的[SEDO教學] http://domain.club.tw/viewtopic.php?t=4307 希望對您有幫助. Dear Cool, 感謝啦! 形容的真好,[躺著,錢就進來]. |
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