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任何想法 ? Any thoughts ? 謝謝 Thanks :) :) |
中文域名嗎 ?!
名稱 是不錯 ~ "中文" 可能不太通用... 我自己先前註冊約 100 個 中文域名在 註冊的三年後 全數 放逐... :cry: |
這樣前前後後花了約二十萬吧 |
也還在考慮要不要續註~~~ 不過應該是會吧~~也主要是因為課業超多~~沒時間做網頁~~~ 不然我想做鄉里的網站~~再加點廣告~~~應該還不錯~~~~ 嘉義縣~新港鄉~~~還有媽祖廟~~新港飴~~鴨肉羹~~ |
技術 does mean something right ? :shutup
What does it mean if it doesn't mean technology ? I translate with www.babelfish.altavista.com 技術.com what is it worth ? |
It does mean technology -->
http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=...gle+zoeken&lr= Why the strange reactions then ? |
No, it does not really mean technology in Chinese, it means more of "skill" rather than " technology". "科技" means "technology" in Chinese.
不過現在這些非英文的網域名稱都不流行,還是專注於英文網域名稱比較好。 by the way, why your signature wants to say hello to Thailand people? ~rusure |
Ok, but then it's very strange that I get 3 million more google searches with 技術 than with 科技, and the most important searches with google all relate to technology. Is it officially "skill" or accepted as "skill" ?
It really is a bummer, you guys have a very difficult language :shock: |
I have the following domains, are their translations correct ?:
capital simp. 资本.net Tom.com simp. 汤姆.com tom.com trad. 湯姆 god of thunder simp. 雷公.com clothing simp. /trad. 衣物.com extra simp. 额外.com extra trad. 額外 portable simp. 便攜式. portable trad. 便携式. monitor trad. 螢幕.com online simp. 在网上.com pass simp. 通行证.com revenue simp. 收支.com |
你要賣給誰? 買的人的需求強度如何? 將心比心、設身處境想一想... 一個域名如何值得花大把銀子去買? 由於英文域名早已形成一座無法踰越的高山... 其他非英文的網域名稱充其量只是可有可無的點綴品... 也不是說這種域名沒人要... 只是沒人願意花大把銀子買... 如果是這樣... 連夢都沒得做... 那還幹嘛投資呢? |
capital simp. 资本.net ---->exactly
Tom.com simp. 汤姆.com ---->exactly tom.com trad. 湯姆 ---->exactly god of thunder simp. 雷公.com ---->exactly but what is this domain for? clothing simp. /trad. 衣物.com ---->right but not very good for a domain extra simp. 额外.com ---->that's ok but no Chinese will use this domain extra trad. 額外 ---->that's ok but no Chinese will use this domain portable simp. 便攜式. ---->that's ok portable trad. 便携式. ---->that's ok monitor trad. 螢幕.com ---->exactly online simp. 在网上.com ---->no , it should be "線上" pass simp. 通行证.com ---->no revenue simp. 收支.com ---->that's ok Hi, many Chinese words have multi meanings as other languages are, however, some meaning are very common use and some are not. So if you talk to a Chinese that 技術 is referred to "tech", maybe he may understand, but he won't use the same word you used, he may say "科技" when he wants to refer the word "tech". Are you a overseas Chinese or else? good luck! |
Actually, I am not Chinese at all :) , I just have an interest in Chinese domains.
I regged "god of thunder" because I thought mythology was of great importance in Asia. . "Clothing", yeah "clothes" was taken :=) so ... How is the IDN-market evolving in China/Taiwan, any big sales yet ? Thanks for the help, appreciate it :) . |
No sales of any IDN domains in Asia as I know. good luck. |
Probably I should say the IDN-market in China/Taiwan was "nothing happen" till now...
I personal like the IDNs domain name, but not many other peoples likes me. Most of the domainer still pay attention on .com, I believe... 引用:
is it mean that you were a Chinese before ? (sorry, my English is poor, so, I do not understand these words.) |
我先前好像在 DNforum 上看過類似的 西洋人 註冊 "中文".com 域名後, post 上去估價的; 可能為同一人吧 ?!
Yep I am that same person, best-url is right, I am native Dutch. There's only one bramiozo ;) .
哀憐IDN 不普遍 :( 它是由於壞瀏覽器支持嗎? |
Maybe in near future (I hope so), who knows ?! :hehe |
punny code解決一半的問題,但是另一半的問題是你如何讓一個不懂中文的外國友人用他的英文瀏覽器上中文網站?
湯姆.com http://cgi.tw.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI....sPageName=WD2V :) I have contacted tom.com, they should be interested. |
Hmm... Are you not afraid of the trade mark issue with tom.com? ~rusure |
I have doubts about that since it is trademarked as Tom Online an I am not sure to what extent Tom is actually trademarked and can be trademarked since there are a lot of asian ""tom"".ext sites out there.
Off course if it would be trademarked as Tom.com, it does not mean it's translations are also trademarked. But you are right that I should be cautious, I'll let this auction pass and do some research. Shall I indirectly ask tom.com what my rights are ? p.s. when I said that I contacted tom.com, I was about to send it, thought prevailed though. |
There might be a problem if indeed the translations of tom.com are trademarked ; "tom.com enterprises Limited"
Hi Bram,
for your signature - [ Bram 對漢語和臺灣認為你好 ] sounds strange ? do you mean that you'd like to [ say 'hello' to Chinese & Taiwan ] or ... ? |
and now ? :)
Ok changed, thanks. About the trademark, tom.com.cn is not owned by the Tom Group and it's activities certainly interfere with the activities of tom.com, shouldn't they worry more about trademark issues then I do ?
Well I sent an email to tom.com, maybe they can shed some light on this issue. Honesty is still the best way to go.
Can you guys confirm that 技术.com is considered as a correct translation for technology in chinese simplified ?
It's correct . |
technical是形容詞,technology是名詞,我認為應該是名詞比較適合吧。 |
所以應該是skill, 我更正了 ?:teeth |
我把它改成technical skill可以嗎?
好像可以,因為我們現在常把technology當成科技。 |
IASK gives :
art, technic, technique, techno-, technology So it depends on the context but as a standalone word it means technology ? |
科技 : Science and technology in traditional and simplified chinese course skill in japanese 技術 : technique, skill, technology in traditional chinese technology in japanese 技术 : technique, skill, technology in simplified chinese skill in japanese ? |
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