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Microsoft 做的 Typo domain 研究!
"Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Large-Scale, Systematic Typo-Squatters
First Posted: 12/16/2005 Last Updated: 03/11/2006 Update 03/09/06: · We plan to release a light-weight version of the Strider Typo-Patrol tool so that trademark owners can have an automatic and systematic process of discovering typo-squatting domains of their web sites and a low-cost and effective solution to take actions against trademark-violating typo-squatters. If you own one of the top 100,000 traffic domains according to Alexa and are interested in such a tool, please email tppatrol (at) microsoft.com with the names of the web sites that you own. " http://research.microsoft.com/SM/Strider/Typo-Patrol/ |
typo domain可能面臨麻煩
微軟正準備放出一套讓人可以掃瞄發現被註冊的typo domain的軟體,這有助於商標擁有人以後可以快速查到typo網名。
重點還不在於這個功能,其實沒有這功能,以前真要查也不是難事。而是微軟的加入可能會挑起大眾對typo的挑戰,最後導致更大的麻煩。 http://research.microsoft.com/Typo-Patrol/ |
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原來你已經貼過了~embarass: 不過你的用詞只說是研究,沒把負面的影響指明出來。:roll: 這件事有待觀察,尤其手上有大公司typo而且拿去賺流量的,最好這一陣子觀察先。 |
Mortage.com - mortgage的typo |
我没有typo,个人觉得入不了手,流量大的typo基本上都被前辈们给抢了,剩下的可能花很多的时间也找不到多少的typo了 。
這種單字的typo是安全的,而且流量會很大。危險的應該是他人自創品牌的typo。 |
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