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好奇問一下...@@ |
名字是,至於後面的系統... :)
iRedirector - Subdomain Edition 能不能談談多少價格 安裝與使用上的便利性? |
哈拉兄的主機上架了好多論壇及LILICOCO :D :D
我到 http://www.scripts24.com/ 看了一下
它有iRedirector Subdomain Edition與iRedirector Subdirectoy Edition兩種 我到520.to試用了一下 站長應該是用iRedirector Subdirectoy Edition... 像iRedirector Subdirectoy Edition只要支援php+mysql就可以使用 但是iRedirector Subdomain Edition則還要支援Wildcarded DNS 我剛剛查了一下我的虛擬主機資訊 發現我的主機有支援Wildcarded DNS 那是否表示我可以架設在虛擬主機上? 如果可以 功能又像他說的支援那麼多 - Mail Forwarding: Offer your visitors an email forwarding account, e.g. YourName@YourDomain.com (requires root access and sendmail). - 6 different Ad-types: Top-Frame, Bottom-Frame, Delay-Page, Popup, Exit-Popup and of course Ad-Free - Cloaking on/off: Members can choose whether to hide their URL behind the Redirecting URL or not. - Redirecting with and without "www." - Advanced META TAG support: All important Meta Tags like description and keywords are included on the Redirecting Accounts (still quite important for search engines!) - Totally template driven: You can change the layout of your site editing templates without any PHP knowledge. - Multiple Domain Support: Only one installation is required to use multiple domains (as long as the domains are on the same server). Your members can choose from all you domains! - "Real" Domain Redirection: Your Members can use your Redirection Service with their own "real" domains! (this feature can be turned off) - Dynamic IP support: iRedirector supports dynamic IP changes. Members can easily update their target URL to their current IP adress. - Offline Messages: iRedirector displays a custom error message if a members target URL goes offline! - Whois-Search: iRedirector has a little Whois-Script which let your visitor's have a look at the top ten accounts or search the members database by a username. - Language packs! Translation of the script in Dutch, French, German & Spanish - PIN-Codes! Do you want to charge your users for giving them a redirection account? With that new feature you can easily do so! - Intelligent Path-Forwarding! username.yourdomain.com/path will be forwarded to the directory "path" on the target URL only if the directory exists (if it does not exist you will be forwarded to the "normal" target URL) - A real admin script: unlike those scripts from go2cgi.com - they don't give you any admin script - you get a real and very useful administration script. - Ability to import accounts from Go2CGI's Forward Pro 3.x, CGIPro's SubForU 1.4 and Eric's Free Redirection Script 那我也要考慮買一套...^^ |
play.to 可能沒設好,無作用
還算便宜,你按purchase下去就知道了. 大概是coca同學報價的1/3. |
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