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Withdrawal Limit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Monthly Withdrawal Limit is the maximum amount of money you can withdraw each month from your PayPal account. Your Monthly Withdrawal Limit is: $2,500.00 USD per month $2,500.00 USD Remaining The monthly withdrawal limit only applies to withdrawals by check. Withdrawals to Hong Kong and US banks are unlimited for verified users. 这个英文是不是说我的PAYPAL可以支持$2,500.00 USD 吗? 因为,我的PAYPAL账户只是个人账户,我印象中应该还未升级成商业账户吧.倘若是个人账户,应该只有$500 USD 限额,怎么会有$2,500.00 USD 呢?据说升级成商业账户要收手续费的.还请各位大大帮忙解答一下. 谢谢. |
Personal Account 那個 limit 我不太清楚...
不過其實升級了以後那個手續費也不是太貴, 不要太執著的好... http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...y-fees-outside |
難道你要人專門入錢去Paypal再付款嗎? ~_~ |
不过小弟今天收到50$的PP,当我点击接收时,竟然出现如下: The ability to accept credit or debit card funded payments is reserved for Premier and Business accounts. To accept this pending payment, please upgrade your account now. If you upgrade your account, you will receive a range of premium features in addition to the ability to accept unlimited credit or debit card payments. The fees on incoming payments are low - just 3.4% + $0.30 USD to receive payments. If you deny this pending payment, you may continue to receive money from PayPal members who use a bank account or their PayPal balance to fund the payment. To continue to receive payments for free, make sure that the people who pay you fund their payments with their PayPal balance or with a bank account. 然后叫我点击:Upgrade and Accept 才能拿到50$,再扣去$0.30 USD ,实收49.7$,是这样吗? 这摆明是叫升级账户后才能拿钱. 晕倒.....~dead |
Paypal 商业帐号的手续费确实不便宜.
而且入帐PayPal的钱想拿出来,在大陆来说还非常困难:( 真希望google的Gbuy早点成型,好对抗,这样来说,可能情况会有所变动. AliPay对于国际支付没有用,所以无法撼动PayPal的地位,希望只有寄托在google上了.:songyy |
谢谢. 不过,我不小心将PAYPAL账户升级为:Premier Account Overview. 要收5%的手续费.这时候有点头昏脑胀的.:hitwall 这个是不是说比商业账户更高级些.我原先是打算只要升级成商业账户就可以了. 谁知出于好奇点了一下"Premier Account",就成了高级账户了.~veryangry |
Premier Account 跟 business account基本上是一樣的, 只是business account支援多人操作及有顯示business name及可以顯示多個電話(客服), 其他的收費方面都是一樣的
小弟的英文很滥,所以问得比较多.:hitwall |
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