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-   -   Want to buy NNNN.NET - nnnn net (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=17073)

gorilla_bob 2007-07-06 03:58 PM

Want to buy NNNN.NET - nnnn net

Looking to buy NNNN.net. Please message me your list if you have any. Also, please message in English because I can not read Chinese. :gimme

- Bob

Shaman 2007-07-06 08:56 PM

2384.net BIN $25
regged in onlinenic,but in terms of Icann,it can be tansfer about 50 days later,
verified paypal funds accept.

1paper 2007-07-06 10:34 PM

would you like xxaa.net ?

it's only for usd30.

gorilla_bob 2007-07-07 04:52 AM

2384.net SOLD

gorilla_bob 2007-07-10 11:06 AM

I still want to buy NNNN.net . If you have any message me.

所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 08:51 PM

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