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*************************************************************************** If this response does not completely answer your question or if you have additional questions about your domain name, click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your web browser to submit your inquiry to a Customer Support representative. *************************************************************************** Verification Email ?First Request Dear [First Name Last Name] Or [Valued Customer] Thank you for choosing Register.com. We appreciate your recent transaction regarding the renewal of the following domain names. 3ccity.net 3ccity.com In order to protect Register.com and our valued customers, we require the following information from the billing contact associated with the above domain(s). ?A photocopy of a government-issued photo ID.<<台灣的身分證嗎??要加上照片JPG檔嗎?? ?A signed statement giving Register.com authorization to maintain the charges associated with the domain name(s) ?Valid Billing Contact Information, including: Name as it appears on Card <<信用卡上的名字嗎?? Billing Address for Card (Street Number)<<信用卡號嗎?? City <<<城市(例如:台北taipei 是嗎??) State/Province <<區域(例如:內湖區嗎??) Country <<<國家(TAIWAN 還是其他??) Postal Code <<郵遞區號(例如:大同區 打103嗎??) Phone Number <<電話號碼 ?Please include a reference to the 10-digit ticket number: <<10個認證數字嗎?? Please fax the required information to the following numbers: Toll free in the U.S. and Canada: (866) 445-5372 Outside the U.S. and Canada: +1 (902) 749-5435 Email: Alternatively, you may wish to email a scanned copy of your ID as an attachment to: nsrm@register.com. Please place <<Documents Required For Verification>> in the subject line of the email. This will ensure quick resolution of your request. Only those attached files with .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, or .bmp extensions will be accepted at the above email address. All others will be deleted. We must receive confirmation via fax or email within the next 48 hours in order to avoid loosing the domain name(s) listed above. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Risk Management via email link, provided above. You can also speak with a Customer Support Representative 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, at the telephone numbers listed below. Thank you for using Register.com?The First Step on the Web? Risk Management Customer Support Special Processes Department Register.com, Inc. http://www.register.com Toll free in the U.S. and Canada: (800) 899-9723 Outside the U.S. and Canada: +1 (902) 742-1466 |
我查一下它的whois,發現所有的資料都是register.com,你是否註了很久並且過期後,最近才又跑去續註? |
只是最近想上去整理網名下,沒想到不能使用,後來發MAIL給他,他寄了我開板的那封信給我,我問朋友他說那封應該是封認證的信件,要我準備他要求的資料回給他..所以才問板上大大有沒收過類似的信件,(PS:但是我其他網名並沒收到這樣的信件說...奇怪) --------------------------收據------------------------------------------- Date: Fri 30-May-2003 Domain(s) 3ccity.com taipei taipei, TW 111 TW Order ID: 26943803 FROM: register.com 575 8th Avenue New York, NY 10018 United States Billing Inquiries: Phone: Toll free in the U.S. and Canada: (800) 899-9723 Outside the U.S. and Canada: +1 (902) 749-2777 Online: http://www.register.com/create_ticket.cgi E-MAIL INVOICE FOR DOMAIN REGISTRATION/RENEWAL Please see the register.com Services Agreement (link below). register.com is in receipt of valid credit card information for payment and confirms the following: Domain Name: 3ccity.com Subscription Length: 2 years Period From: Thu 5-Jun-2003 Period To: Sun 5-Jun-2005 Amount Charged (US$): $50 Total (this fee is non-refundable): $50 |
雖然這也不太可能,但沒有道理register.com把你的網名拿走啊? 除非有一個可能,就是你當初雖然續註了,但你使用的信用卡後來拒絕付款給註冊商,而導致續註失敗,註冊商於是將網名移走至他們那裡。現在等於要你確認是原主並且再刷一次的樣子。你可以打電話問一下你的發卡銀行查紀錄,就是你原本續註期之後的一個月內,有沒有任何來自register.com的請款,金額是多少?先釐清這一點再說。 |
所以百思不得其解...來這求助 m(_ _)m |
註冊網址也還是會發生一些令人覺得不可思議的事 還是要處處小心為上 |
不然你就照他們所說,把你的身份證(如果有護照最好,上面有英文)影印之後掃成圖,然後直接用email附圖檔寄回去給他們。其實最重要的還是你的刷卡資料。 Name as it appears on Card <<信用卡上的名字嗎?? 信用卡上的英文名,要一字不差,連空格都要對。 Billing Address for Card (Street Number)<<信用卡號嗎?? 信用卡的帳單地走,當然是要英文的。 City <<<城市(例如:台北taipei 是嗎??) Taipei State/Province <<區域(例如:內湖區嗎??) TW Country <<<國家(TAIWAN 還是其他??) Taiwan Postal Code <<郵遞區號(例如:大同區 打103嗎??) 103 Phone Number <<電話號碼 886002xxxxxxxxx你的電話 ?Please include a reference to the 10-digit ticket number: <<10個認證數字嗎?? 他寄給你這封信的時候,是否是在開頭或信中有附上一組「號碼」,這是他們用來查詢客戶問題時的索引,附上這組號碼他們才知道你現在回信是回哪一個問題。(應該是如此,由於我沒看到全部信件,不是很確定。 |
所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 11:38 PM。 |
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