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-   -   godaddy將於今年下半年推出 .me的註冊 (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=20114)

哈啦 2008-01-22 07:09 PM

godaddy將於今年下半年推出 .me的註冊
.ME – The New Domain That’s All about You!
GoDaddy.com Joint Venture Wins Registry Bid to Market & Operate New Domain Extension

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Get ready for .ME to make waves on the Web. GoDaddy.com today announced Internet users around the world can register the catchy new domain extension for personal or business use later this year.

GoDaddy.com, the world’s largest domain registrar, is one of three members of a power-packed joint venture chosen by the government of Montenegro to operate the new domain extension.

In support of the new registry, GoDaddy.com, Afilias Global Registry Services and Me-Net have created a new organization called doMEn (the word for “domain” in Montenegrin) which will act as the operational body with strategic oversight for the domain extension.

Go Daddy will use its renowned marketing muscle to globally promote .ME, while Afilias will provide world-class registry technology, similar to what it uses to support other domains such as .INFO and .ORG.

"We're excited about the phenomenal potential of .ME and our ability to market it to you, all Web users, as well as other registrars – and of course we’ll promote it in true GoDaddy-esque style," said Go Daddy CEO and Founder Bob Parsons. "Couple .ME with our first-in-class customer support and the registry systems of Afilias and the possibilities are unlimited."

The new registry alliance plans to invite all registrars, country code (CC) and top level domain (TLD) resellers to add .ME to their own list of offerings. However, the new .ME can be used by anyone – an affiliation with the country of Montenegro is not required.

Imagine the possibilities. After all, .ME translates to a wide range of catchy words throughout the world - including the obvious English translations, such as "about me.” Others include "amar.me," which means "love me" in Spanish, and "secondo.me," which is Italian for "in my opinion."

With such a wide array of translations and potential uses, the joint venture expects .ME to be hugely popular with users all over the globe.

“To take full advantage of .ME, it needs to be properly promoted and properly managed. We have an unparalleled track record in promoting domain names and keeping customers happy,” Parsons declared. “Afilias has an impeccable record when it comes to managing domain extensions. We offer the complete package to catapult .ME into the International mainstream.”

owntag 2008-01-22 09:23 PM



Sorry, but we are now in process of establishing procedure for registration. After that we have to choose main registrar which has to involve infrastructure for registration all around the world. Our
intention is to be one of the biggest TLD and that's way we need support.

So, you have to wait and to be patient. That's way, follow our site and you'll be informed at time.

If you have any further question please don't hesitate to contact us.

很看好.me的domain hack :XD:

kjl 2008-01-22 09:29 PM

以后.me就是和.cc .tv .ws .la一样的操作方式~~~

哈啦 2008-01-22 09:37 PM

可是.me的hack並不多吧?除去hack domain之外,一般用法好像頗有限的。好的配合域名也就那幾個而已。

seesawgame 2008-01-22 10:40 PM

fxxk.me 應該算其中一種 hack domain

哈啦 2008-01-22 10:58 PM


作者: seesawgame (文章 117987)
fxxk.me 應該算其中一種 hack domain


kjl 2008-01-22 11:08 PM


作者: 哈啦 (文章 117988)


mr.pr 2008-01-23 11:43 AM

.it 的 DOMAIN HACK 就很多。。。。。

.ME 估计也差不多。。。只要有趣不一定要很短的。

seesawgame 2008-01-30 08:56 PM

除了 .me 還要推出 .my 喔 :XD:
我收到來自 webnic.cc 的促銷信


Malaysian Network Information Centre (MYNIC) who manages all Malaysia's domain names has recently launched its second level .My in November 2007. The ".My" domain is also receiving good interest as this unique extension denotes sense of ownership. Possible domain hack such as yum.my, econo.my, acade.my and also other Great Names are up for grabs.

哈啦 2008-01-30 09:39 PM


作者: seesawgame (文章 118275)
除了 .me 還要推出 .my 喔 :XD:
我收到來自 webnic.cc 的促銷信



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