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cnkkk 2008-02-25 08:26 PM

Chinese city names and words 中国 城市名称 和一些单字
肃.Net~甘肃省~(su, gan su Province) 350$

淄.Com/Net~淄博市(zi, zibo city)~200$

沂.Com/net~临沂市(yi, linyi city )~200$

菏.Com~菏泽市~(he, heze city)200$

堰.Com~都江堰~姜堰~(yan, dujiangyan city,jiangyan city)200$

绥.Com/net~绥芬河~绥化~(sui, suifenhe city , suihua city) 200$

郸.com 邯郸 郸城 (dan, handan city , dancheng city) 200$

涪.Com~涪陵~(fu, fuling city)200$

莆.Com~莆田~(pu putian city)200$

淹.Com~ (Submerge)150$


坠.Com~耳坠~玉坠~吊坠 (pendant)~280$


骝.Com~开心的马骝~(red horse with black mane and tail)100$

叨.Com~QQ叨客~唠叨~(speak too much)100$


东南亚.Cn~(Southeast Asia) 500$

厚黑学.Com~ (about Thick face and black heart )(China in the 20th century's most influential school of life)500$

Paypal,Thanks.(Registrate:ename.cn,I will give you the Transfer code or I Transfer to ENOM then push to your account)

cnkkk 2008-03-19 12:57 AM

gogogogogo on up

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