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.pro 要請大家去表達意見
剛接到 encirca寄來有關.pro修改限制的電郵,要大家去ICANN表達意見,之前大家應都看到許多類似的內容了。在此將電郵轉貼如下:
Submit your .pro comments to ICANN Deadline: April 10, 2008 As I hope you already know, after months of negotiation, ICANN and RegistryPro have published proposed changes for the .pro domain. Please take a few minutes to add your support for these changes during the ICANN public comment period, which closes April 10. Comments can be emailed to rproproposal@icann.org. Details on the proposed changes can be reviewed at: http://www.icann.org/announcements/a...nt-14mar08.htm These changes are significant, and include: 1. Expanding eligibility to all professionals, compared to the four professions eligible today. 擴大所謂「專業」的領域,比起以前只有四種專業領域。 2. Expanding eligibility to the entire world, compared to the four countries today. 擴大認可的專業到全世界,以前則只有四個國家的專業被認可。 3. Relaxing requirements for registrations of second-level .pro domains (i.e. example.pro) so that third-level registrations are no longer a pre-requisite. 放鬆註冊第二級域名的資格,以前非得要先註第三級域名的限制已不需要。 4. Replacing 100% license verification with a new use policy and audit procedure for second-level names. 這段文字不太懂,但是說「不再需要百分之百的檢查資格認證」? 5. Adding additional professions for third-level names, such as Architects, Dentists, Nurses and Teachers. (i.e. example.arc.pro) 增加更多專業的第三級域名。 These changes mean that now .pro will finally become a global top-level domain. There are an estimated 1,100 professions in the USA alone that will become eligible for .pro. These changes will increase the visibility and value of all existing .pro domains. 這些改變意味著.pro最終將成為全球性的頂級域名。 估計光美國就有一千一百種的專業人士可以變成.pro的註冊範圍...... Please take a few minutes to voice your comments to ICANN on these changes. Thanks for your business and on-going support! Sincerely, 實在搞不太清楚「這些改變意味著.pro最終將成為全球性的頂級域名。」是說.pro事實變成人人可註嗎? 還是依然有資格限制?現在我們domainer最關注的不是它放寬了多少資格,只要還是有所謂的專業資格限制,就始終是「風險」,因為版友手上很多很好的域名要如何去取得該域名相關的專業資格?而且最重要的是,這「專業」是指要有公家關認可的「執照」或證書才算! 不過希望大家多多上去發表意見,要求它 「全面」無限地的開放才是正道。 |
第4項是 "用新政策和新審查程序代替只用牌照審核"
可能翻譯得不太好..希望您看得明白.. 應該就是哈大你說的 "「專業」是指要有公家關認可的「執照」或證書才算" 的解決方案 |
所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 09:16 PM。 |
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