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哈啦 2008-06-23 11:46 PM



best-url 2008-06-24 12:21 AM

ICANN proposes major domain name changes
ICANN proposes major domain name changes
By Danielle Nordine, 23 Jun 2008 at 17:05

The proposal to allow users to create their own top level domains could offer up millions of new variations for web addresses.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the main oversight agency for top level domains (TLDs) and regulator of the internet, is poised to make one of the biggest changes in the internet world by offering endless variations on domain addresses.

The proposal, which is being discussed at the ICANN conference in Paris this week, would allow companies to purchase new generic top-level domains ending in almost anything they wished. Rather than have a domain that ends .com or .co.uk, an individual or company could have a domain that ended .itpro or .ebay.

“We are in the process of opening up new real estate, new land, and people will go out and claim parts of that land and use it for various reasons they have,” Dr Paul Twomey, chief executive of ICANN, told the BBC. "It's a massive increase in the geography of the real estate of the internet."

eBay is a current contender to use its name, aiming to purchase the domain .ebay, while cities such as New York and Berlin have been campaigning for their own domains as well.

ICANN estimated last year that only 17 per cent of the original four billion network addresses remained available, and that addresses are expected to run out within the next five years.

If the proposal is passed, as expected, new domains would be open to companies by the beginning of next year.

The application fee for a domain name under the proposed system has not been determined, but estimates say the price could range from €25,000 to €250,000 [£19,700 - £197,000], placing such domain extensions out of the reach of most consumers, as well as most potential cyber squatters.

哈啦 2008-06-24 01:13 AM



owntag 2008-06-24 01:32 AM

对.MOBI, BIZ,INFO等TLD的价值,则会产生很大的负面影响。

哈啦 2008-06-24 02:08 AM

例如銀行業會推出.bank,但未必每個銀行都會去申請,結果讓人鑽了空子,像abc銀行也許就一直使用abcbank .com,但有人就去註冊 abc.bank,然後搞釣魚網站,這確實讓人很難去分辨。

但這個後綴的開放似乎是一條不得不然的事,因為上網的人口 將不可避免地愈來愈多,假設哪天有五十億人口上網而且都要建站,總不能讓這些後來者被迫都去使用j7d1i8kdsy6.com這樣的域名吧?因此後綴的增加是可以預期的事。


哈啦 2008-06-24 02:15 AM

網域名稱明年擴大 可隨心所欲選擇
 網際網路將有新革命了。從明年起,網站用戶在在申請網域名稱時將可以隨心所欲選擇任何範圍的名稱,而不再局限於類似目前代表組織的「.org 」或是代表國名的「.tw 」等範圍。


 該組織主席涂枚在「回聲報」的專訪中表示,從明年第一季起,網址的選擇上可以隨心所欲,譬如用「. 高興」或是「. 台北」。

 他說:「我們將開放網路的一般擴大適用範圍。除了「.com」、「.net」、「.org」之外,從二零零九年第一季起,十三億網民可以在一般的地址上使用最普遍而流行的字如「. 愛情」、「. 仇恨」或「. 城市名」...甚至自己的名字。」





 四是、不能導致產生公共秩序或道德的問題 。

 該組織還計劃授權非拉丁字母的網址,例如中文、西里爾文或阿拉伯文。涂枚說:「我們用Mozilla 微軟和蘋果瀏覽器,已測試了十五種的語言」。

哈啦 2008-06-24 02:25 AM

shop store game news bank sex xxx kids web pets video movie book sale city casino loan

domainnext 2008-06-24 03:17 AM

大企業可能會很有興趣申請自己 品牌/公司(代號) 後綴, 或者是預防性註冊 :

 .eBay (已知)

. . .

極品關鍵字.COM (在 after market 的 其實已所剩不多了) 可能被大企業買去轉址到其企業官網,

而 極品關鍵字.COM 如果要價太高, 大企業可能寧可將錢花在 promote 自己申請的新後綴上.

~ 可能性之一啦 ~

owntag 2008-06-24 04:26 AM



edenCC 2008-06-24 09:38 AM

我选的是 "剛開始確實因後綴太多而使得.com價上揚,但最終則是下跌"
个人觉得互联网作为虚拟社区,本质和真实社会一致, 分享,协作是出发点.
如果缺乏合理的炒作, com的市场最终会被瓜分.

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