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-   -   牛B不是吹的, resellerclub暂停17.5万个域名 (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=23196)

goodyork 2008-10-28 04:11 PM

牛B不是吹的, resellerclub暂停17.5万个域名
牛B不是吹的, resellerclub暂停17.5万个域名

DirectI Suspends 175,000 Domains for Alleged Abuse



Registrar Abuse

Over 50,000 domain names have been suspended that were either involved in abusive activity or registered by customers/registrants exhibiting persistent patterns of abuse.
These domain names (and/or their registrants) were involved in various types of abuse, such as spamming, phishing/spoofing, malware perpetration, suspected pedopornography, financial frauds and falsified ‘Whois’ information.
All other services utilized by any of these domain names have also been revoked.
Over the past three months, certain resellers have been identified who have been the destination of choice for bad actors; among these are Vivids Media GMBH, Klikdomains, MyNick.name, and Webst.ru. Approximately 125,000 domain names registered through these resellers have been suspended so far.

talas 2008-10-28 04:31 PM


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