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chiao 2008-11-26 03:07 PM

TWNIC runs .kn?
剛剛從IANA .kn 資料看到, 驚為天人. 算是成功的技術輸出吧!!


Delegation Record for .KN
(Country-code top-level domain designated for Saint Kitts and Nevis)

Sponsoring Organisation
Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology
Church Street
P.O. Box 186
Saint Kitts and Nevis

Administrative Contact
Adviser of National ICT Center
National ICT Center
No. 3 C.A. Paul Southwell Industrial Site
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Email: admin@knnic.kn
Voice: +1 869 4658582
Fax: +1 869 4650610

Technical Contact
Nai-Wen Hsu
Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
4F-2, No. 9
Roosevelt Road
Section 2
Taipei 100
Email: snw@twnic.net.tw
Voice: +886 2 2341 1313 ext. 500
Fax: +886 2 2396 8832

Name Servers
Host Name IP Address(es)

J.F. Chang 2008-11-27 02:50 PM

[QUOTE=chiao;132061]剛剛從IANA .kn 資料看到, 驚為天人. 算是成功的技術輸出吧!!


KN ccTLD Registry Change ahead
Written by Chief Editor , Thursday, 08 May 2008

The dot KN (.kn) islands of St. Kitts and Nevis' Internet suffix will soon have a new registry. The University of Puerto Rico has been acting as the registry so far but requested for someone else to take over the task. Their request was approved by the Saint Kitts and Nevis Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development, Information and Technology and ICANN agreed during their last board meeting on April 30th...
.KN will be handled by Taiwan's TWNIC, which may seem odd to most of us but according to the report there were no local candidates who applied for the job.  The .KN redelegation should keep the existing regulations in place, no changes are expected. 


marklin 2008-11-27 02:56 PM

TWNIC?? 連.tw都搞不定了,幹嘛還搞那麼多?

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