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Sedo推出新的Transfer Center
Sedo目前把域名轉移操作的界面全面更新。如今叫做Transfer Center。客戶不需要再使用Email和專員溝通,而是可以直接在Tranfer Center里完成一切操作。甚至可以直接用中文留言。
減少Email交流,大大減少了惡意電郵的騷擾,會大大增加業務操作的安全性。Transfer Center的具體位置就在my sedo的下拉式菜單里。 ~youarebe: |
Great ~yes
希望能趕快收到新 offer 儘速親身體驗一下這項新功能 ~embarass: |
我在拍卖中won了一个域名,卖家一直没有给我转移,我在Transfer Center中发信息请求sedo给我退款,3月24日发的信息,今天都还没有回复!这还不如以前有一个email专员呢,起码我还知道不满意了可以投诉哪一个人 ... :( |
.....剛剛Transfer Center 的Status 更新了....
出現了一項Invoice Request.... =============== The buyer has submitted payment to our escrow and has requested an invoice. Please create an invoice and upload it as a PDF within the Transfer Documents section or send us the invoice by fax to +49 221.34030.109. Please issue an invoice with the full amount XXX USD with the following details. =============== My reply as follow =============== I have no ideas how to create a invoice for the buyer. Where can I find the invoice templates ? Please let me know, =============== 還是email 比較方便......那個Invoice Request 太麻煩了吧. |
所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 09:36 PM。 |
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