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扣了钱就算了,昨天注册的,到今天还没有帮我开通帐号 登陆的时候提示 Your account is in the process of being approved; the review process usually takes 24 to 48 business hours. Thank you for your patience. 还收到一封邮件 Thank you for using the automated system to register your account. In order to complete your setup you will need to fax or scan and email a copy of your identification. We will also need a copy of the credit card you will be using on the account. Note that you can black out all the numbers of the account number except the last four. We must be able to clearly see the name, expiration date, and last 4 digits of the account number on the card. Once that information is received we will complete your account set. If you have any questions please contact us directly. 到现在没搞明白具体3975美元的点数怎么花,有什么用?~本来只想开个帐号PUSH在ENOM的域名而已?唉! 难道付了钱,还要我提交身份证和信用卡扫描件?帐号才能正式开通使用~ 请明白怎么回事的高手们帮忙解答一下~ |
幫你翻譯一下 ------ 感謝您使用自動化系統來註冊您的帳戶。為了完成您的安裝程序,您需要把您的身份證件副本&你開帳戶時所用的信用卡副本以傳真或掃描後以電子郵件方式給我們。 您可以把信用咭的號碼遮掩, 但須顯示出信用咭號的最後4個數字, 我們必須能夠清楚地看到的你的名稱,信用咭到期日,信用咭號的最後4個數字。 一旦收到有關資料,我們將完成您的帳戶設置。 如果您有任何問題請直接與我們聯繫。 ------------- |
如果只是要開戶根本不用花錢,連信用卡都不用填。 |
我想j189398 所開的是 eNom ETP account,
因為當初小弟開$6995 ETP account 時.. 也收到跟j189398 一樣的e-mail... |
Hello, Per your request the account has been cancelled. Your card was pre-authorized and not actually charged. These funds will return to your account within the next 7 to 10 business days based on your banks policies. If you have any questions please contact us. Regards, |
1 Enom point = 1USD.
他收你的4000USD 是可以用来消费的。 之所以要求你提交 信用卡和证件的copy是要避免信用卡欺诈,他们要通过Credit Card Gateway进行收款的时候,也是有信用风险的。这样可以判断你不是盗用信用卡进行冲点的。你无法提供的话,他们就会认为作假,而不会接受你的入款。Enom之所以强大,是他的代理系统,如果单纯玩米的话,你可以找个价格较低,系统完善的注册商,就OK 不过不建议这家 http://icann.org/en/announcements/an...15may09-en.htm |
所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 08:12 PM。 |
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