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-   -   HostGator 提供一年免費主機 (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=25947)

18SUPER 2009-09-28 01:33 PM

HostGator 提供一年免費主機

優惠碼 coupon code: 2ip

HostGator is offering a free year of shared hosting (Hatchling, Baby or Business level) for free with coupon 2ip.

Note, if choosing a Business level, you may not combine it with the free domain name. Baby and Hatchling level may also include a free domain as part of the order

小小建議: 最好之前有用過美國主機的人去申請
hostgator 我沒用過不過聽說算不錯的
如果看不懂英文的 也就不要去申請 不然到時有事也不好跟他們連繫

lau 2009-09-28 02:05 PM

Coupon code 2IP doesn't work..........

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