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-   -   不知道domainsite這家註冊商又在搞啥鬼了... (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=26872)

liou 2010-02-10 02:59 AM

原文 恕刪.........
原文 恕刪.........

seesawgame 2010-02-10 03:30 AM

我記得我收過一封來自 name.com 的通知信
說 domainsite.com 跟 name.net 將回歸或被回併至 name.com 下

peer 2010-02-10 04:10 AM


seesawgame 2010-02-10 04:27 AM

Domainsite.com 通知信內文


To all of our customers at Domainsite.com,

We are pleased to announce that in the very near future Domainsite.com will have a brand new look. We will also be making significant upgrades to your domain management tools and options.

On Tuesday, February 9th we will be upgrading the entire environment to match the features and appearance of our sister company, Name.com.

Here are some of the benefits you will see from this upgrade:

Purchase additional types of domain extensions
Promotions on domain registrations and renewals
Ability to register with additional services such as; Web Hosting, Domain Nabber, and Expiring Domain Lists.
Detailed Invoice information from your "View Invoices" screen
Ability to set up automatic billing so you don't risk missing a renewal
Create payment profiles to store payment information
An improved interface to track and manage domain transfers
An improved interface that that will make your domain management easier.
We think you will be excited about all of the new features available to you. This is just the first step in a series of upgrades that you will see this year.

If you would like to see what this upgrade will look like before we make the change on February 9th, feel free to drop by Name.com and have a look around.

We also have a blog post about this migration, so if you have any questions or feedback please drop by and leave us a comment.

William Mushkin
Founder & CEO

ras0314 2010-02-10 09:42 AM


看完這篇才知道, 所以我通通把domainsite的域名都給他 push 到 name 的帳號裡面了

yumi 2010-02-10 03:10 PM


ras0314 2010-02-10 04:17 PM

可以ㄚ...push 一下就結束了

櫻井綾乃 2010-02-11 03:11 AM



我有用我domainsite.com的新帳號密碼,嘗試拿去登入 name.com 不通


我該把域名全部push到name去嗎? (push應該不算轉移吧.要再付一年費用吧..十個域名..其中7個到明年..3個到今年9月12月..)

922.cc 2010-02-11 09:48 AM


小弟的帳號也是一樣,所以domainsite的username 自動被改成 ds1__XXXX


看來真的要全部PUSH到 name.com比較保險了


作者: 櫻井綾乃 (文章 149059)

seesawgame 2010-02-11 08:41 PM

較令我生氣的事是昨晚應該要掉一支等好久的 IDN
結果他們竟然沒有刪 :pounchlittle

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