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我有一個域名要從別家轉移到Godaddy 我的信箱有收到轉出註冊商的 EPP key 也有收到Godaddy的 Transaction ID & Security Code 所以我已經做完 Step 2 (Authorize) 現在進行到 Step 3 請問這個步驟是放著讓它等5天嗎? 如紅色字的部分我看不太懂:"如果客戶在轉出註冊商那五天內不接受轉移,轉移會被自動接受。" 先謝謝諸位大大幫忙解惑! ---------- ↓↓↓ Step 3 ↓↓↓ ---------- Step 3: Accept/Decline The transfer is waiting for the customer to accept it at the losing registrar. If the customer does not accept the transfer at the losing registrar within 5 days, the transfer will be accepted automatically. Recommended Action: The customer should accept the transfer. ---------- ↑↑↑ Step 3 ↑↑↑ ---------- 另外我的信箱亦收到如下信函(之後就沒其它信了): ---------- ↓↓↓ 收到的email ↓↓↓ ---------- To complete your recently requested transfer, we must receive approval of the administrative contact currently associated with the domain name(s) below, which we have determined to be xxx@xxx.xxx. A request for approval has been sent to that address. If you believe the email address is not correct, you must visit your current registrar and have it updated. View a complete listing of registrars: http://www.internic.net/regist.html ---------- ↑↑↑ 收到的email ↑↑↑ ---------- |
『通常註冊商會寄電郵來請你確認核准。』請問註冊商是指轉出的註冊商嗎? 但我從收到EPP key的mail後,就沒收到轉出註冊商寄來的任何信,所以也無從確認。 這種情況下我放著5天就會自動轉移成功嗎?(是前天申請轉移的,今天算第3天吧!) 還是我沒確認就會被當做拒絕轉移? 謝謝! |
我已經有在Godaddy填上轉出註冊商的 EPP key (也就是 step 2) 所以Authorize的部份應該已經算做完了 只是Godaddy顯示現在是 step 3 然後有如下字句: If the customer does not accept the transfer at the losing registrar within 5 days, the transfer will be accepted automatically. 這點讓我很困惑... 難道我還需要做些什麼事嗎? |
If the customer does not reject the transfer at the losing registrar within 5 days, the transfer will be accepted automatically. 那我就不會感到困惑了! |
那我就放著讓它等滿五天看看... 如果Godaddy是寫:"五天內沒拒絕轉移,就自動接受" 那我就會放心的等個五天。 也許是我不該用中文的想法去理解那個句子吧! |
一般原註冊商都會發一封email,通知客戶域名正在被轉移中... 只要不理會他,大概在5天後就會自動轉移成功的... PS. 國外網域轉移流程參考: http://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=23979 |
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