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-   -   eNom公告域名涨价通知了。 (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=31255)

goodyork 2011-10-20 12:04 PM

Valued eNom Reseller,

In July 2011, eNom was notified by VeriSign that it plans to raise the cost for their respective TLDs on January 15, 2012. As with previous VeriSign price increases, eNom must adjust our Reseller Tier pricing such that we can absorb the increased costs for reselling VeriSign’s TLDs.

Historically, eNom has always been resistant to raising our prices. We understand the price sensitivity of our Reseller base and we want to provide domain name and value-added services that allow our Resellers to remain competitive in this market.

Unfortunately, based on this announcement from VeriSign, eNom must modify our Reseller pricing tiers to address the increased cost of reselling these VeriSign TLDs.

The purpose of this notification is to inform you on the new eNom domain name pricing.

Effective January 14, 2012 the new eNom Reseller Pricing Tiers will be:

Premiere $9.00
Volume $10.50
Basic $11.50
Alternative $12.50

If you have any questions, please contact us at +1(425)274-4500 or sales@enom.com.

eNom Support Team

goodyork 2011-10-20 12:05 PM

真不厚道。 实际上只有versign的com net提高了出厂价。 它每次都是com net org biz info 一块涨。


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