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-   -   wantster 自創的英文字? (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=33860)

哈啦 2012-11-20 07:29 PM

wantster 自創的英文字?
剛看到一個加拿大的網站叫 wantster.com, 查不到這個單字。似乎是want的名詞,但不是wanter就好了嗎?當然wanter也沒這個字,不過很早就被人註走了。



IdeaGuy 2012-11-20 08:01 PM


that suffix modifies a noun (or adjective) to create a new noun that serves to associate a person or thing involved with the original noun.

a gangster is a person involved in a gang
a prankster is a person involved in pranks

Before Facebook there was a social networking site called Friendster... they're still around but now they're more gamer related.

哈啦 2012-11-20 08:36 PM

I see, but why not want+er=wanter is more logical, right?

IdeaGuy 2012-11-20 08:44 PM

I'm guessing it depends on how it sounds when you modify the noun.

Wanter Vs. Wantster

the sufffix -ster is used when -er does not apply. -ster and -er indicate the same thing. -er as a suffix modifies a noun into something of an 'agent noun'

a driver is the agent associated with driving
a player is the agent associated with playing

(Information found on Yahoo! Answers)

哈啦 2012-11-20 08:49 PM

Thanks for your explanations.

So domainer and domainster are both ok?

And we may "make a new word " by adding er or ster with a word, right?

slob 2012-11-20 08:53 PM

恩...可能是因為 -er 也可以用於非人(如 lock-er)
而 -ster 只針對人而言,而且是會從事某種活動的人~
會用-ster 多半都是帶有負面意味,表示做的事情不入流...?

IdeaGuy 2012-11-20 08:59 PM

You're welcome

By definition they have the same meaning. Domainer has become an industry term. I think Domainster would be more informal.

Sure, make your own words ~youarebe: But, I'd want to register both er and ster versions ;-)

IdeaGuy 2012-11-20 09:07 PM


作者: slob (文章 181411)
恩...可能是因為 -er 也可以用於非人(如 lock-er)
而 -ster 只針對人而言,而且是會從事某種活動的人~
會用-ster 多半都是帶有負面意味,表示做的事情不入流...?

Good point.

You can also add ster to inanimate objects to create cool brands.

I.e., Porsche Boxster

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