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Good Afternoon:
I am interested in acquiring the above mentioned domain name which I understand is in your possession. Please contact me to discuss. Kind Regards |
邮件署名包含姓名,地址,网址內容 某著名海外离岸公司注册地岛国的一家机构 似乎是蛮有诚意的询价 |
Scott MacLaren Deputy Head Information Systems Division 这是什么样一个职位? 回邮应该如何使用称呼? ********************************************************************* Your attention is drawn to the warning notice at the end of this message. ********************************************************************* 对方邮件前面的这个提醒是什么意思? Disclaimer: This e-mail and the information it contains may be privileged and/or confidential. It is intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential. The unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this e-mail, or any information it contains, is prohibited and could, in certain circumstances, be a criminal offence. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify ##### and you should delete it permanently. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. Therefore, we do not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions that are present in this message, or any attachment, that have arisen as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy version. 结尾的这一段又起什么作用? 另麻烦帮忙拟一封回邮 Hello Mr.MacLaren: 您好,感谢您对我司持有的域名######.###表示兴趣,很遗憾的是该域名是为我们的中国客户提供网上支付业务而准备的,如放弃该域名,我们需要付出时间和精力为我们的客户重新提供选择,如您愿意提供95K USD的服务补偿,我们可以考虑转让该域名给贵机构. 再次诚挚的感谢您的关注 Ziau Chen 品牌服务专员 China 广州办事处 EastEase Ltd. Direct: +86########### whois.private.services#gmail.com |
如果要簡單一點的回覆是可以的。 還有,如果對方和你同域名而且有網站,你最好不要馬上向對方要價,因為很可能成為對方告你的證據之一。畢竟對方已有網站在經營,這是他們目前的優勢之一。 |
对方是开曼群岛金融管理局 |
所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 05:40 PM。 |
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