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-   -   World shortest domains - 2-letter .EE registration (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=37271)

mspecialists 2014-11-18 01:15 AM

World shortest domains - 2-letter .EE registration
We have a new special - cheaper than ever before: real 2-letter short domains from 49$/domain.
This are worlds shortest domains after the extremly rare 1-char short domains.

We offer real 2-letter/2-number short .EE domains (Estonia, European Union) inclusive the required trusty service at this prices:

59 USD / 49 EUR / domain - for single domain order.
49 USD / 39 EUR / domain - for bulk order with 3 or more domains.

renewal price: 49 USD / 39 EUR / year.
Your chance to get one of the desired .EE 2-letter shorts.


Of course the prices apply to longer .EE domains too, so You can order them too - just let us know what domains you want.

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