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任何想法 ? Any thoughts ? 謝謝 Thanks :) :) |
中文域名嗎 ?!
名稱 是不錯 ~ "中文" 可能不太通用... 我自己先前註冊約 100 個 中文域名在 註冊的三年後 全數 放逐... :cry: |
這樣前前後後花了約二十萬吧 |
也還在考慮要不要續註~~~ 不過應該是會吧~~也主要是因為課業超多~~沒時間做網頁~~~ 不然我想做鄉里的網站~~再加點廣告~~~應該還不錯~~~~ 嘉義縣~新港鄉~~~還有媽祖廟~~新港飴~~鴨肉羹~~ |
技術 does mean something right ? :shutup
What does it mean if it doesn't mean technology ? I translate with www.babelfish.altavista.com 技術.com what is it worth ? |
It does mean technology -->
http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=...gle+zoeken&lr= Why the strange reactions then ? |
No, it does not really mean technology in Chinese, it means more of "skill" rather than " technology". "科技" means "technology" in Chinese.
不過現在這些非英文的網域名稱都不流行,還是專注於英文網域名稱比較好。 by the way, why your signature wants to say hello to Thailand people? ~rusure |
Ok, but then it's very strange that I get 3 million more google searches with 技術 than with 科技, and the most important searches with google all relate to technology. Is it officially "skill" or accepted as "skill" ?
It really is a bummer, you guys have a very difficult language :shock: |
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