
網域名稱俱樂部 (https://www.domainclub.org/index.php)
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-   -   3.ht - real 1-char short domain (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=40807)

mspecialists 2019-01-02 07:45 PM

3.ht - real 1-char short domain
One of the shortest domains on the internet - extremely short, very rare and limited domain type!
Real 1-character under .HT for sale:


Shortest domain format, perfect for shorteners or short e-mail service. Good nr "3".
HT can relate to "High tech", "hyperthreading", "hypertext", "Haiti" and many more.
Renewals at 84 USD / year
Renewed until 11.2019

Details and sale over: http://1-single-letter-domains.com/?r=_3htDC#1chars

mspecialists 2019-02-06 10:20 AM

Strongly reduced price!!! Only for short time!

mspecialists 2019-04-24 01:01 AM

Today last day of holoday-promotion! Price-off 60%!
Details and sale over: http://1-single-letter-domains.com/?r=_3htDC#1chars

mspecialists 2019-07-14 12:58 AM

Price reduced - the chance to get this extremly-rare-type domain that cheap!


mspecialists 2020-02-12 10:36 PM

Price reduced!

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