
網域名稱俱樂部 (https://www.domainclub.org/index.php)
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-   -   [Warning] - Don't be cheated by Netfirms ! (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=4125)

best-url 2004-12-01 08:16 PM

[Warning] - Don't be cheated by Netfirms !
I've registed a [x----------x.com] domain name on Netfirms.com on Nov.25 (have receive a confirmation email from Netfirms as "PS-1"), also receive another email from their company regarding my payment (shown as "PS-2") As I found that Netfirms.com collect the payments from my credit card - but didn't registe the domain name for me. (even this domain name still available on the internet for everybody register till today), so I've wrote at least 4 email to support@netfirms.com & billing@netfirms.com to ask them to check for me (also chatting with the Netfirms online - but the guy named "Stuart" told me that he will ask their Billing department's "Ameeta" to contact me, but nothing happend), but nobody answer me !

It's a very small amount, but that is not the normally business way, they are cheating on business, so, don't go to Netfirms.com everybody !

Allen Lee


Netfirms to me
More options Nov 25 (6 days ago)

Dear Allen

Thank you for choosing Netfirms Web Hosting - the number one hosting
platform on the planet. Please save this e-mail for future reference.

****** ACCOUNT OVERVIEW ******
Hosting Plan: Netfirms Plus Hosting - Special
Domain Name: x----------x.com

Your Membername and Password below can be used to upload your Website
as well as access your Account Manager Control Panel:

Membername: x----------x
Password: j----a
Control Panel: http://www.netfirms.com/members
FTP Address: x----------x.netfirms.com
Base Folder: www

****** WHAT TO DO NEXT ******
Domain Names: Your new Domain Name will take up to 72 hours to
become active on the Internet. In the mean time we
have created an alternate web address so you can
get started right away:

1. http://www.x----------x.com -or-
2. http://x----------x.netfirms.com

Web Publishing: Once you have created your web pages, you will need
to send them to your web space on our servers using
an FTP tool such as FileZilla or Frontpage.
For more information visit:


E-mail Accounts: You can create E-mail accounts and forwarding
addresses by using the Account Manager Control Panel:


Once you have created an account you can use any
POP client or Netfirms WebMail to access your E-mail.

Control Panel: The Netfirms Control Panel allows you to create free
Hit Counters, monitor your Website Stats, manage
advanced features and much more:


****** WE ARE HERE TO HELP ******
Our Customer Service team is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to
help you. If you have any questions about what to do next visit our
online Support Center to find answers and contact us:


Best Regards,

Netfirms E-Services Team


Netfirms Billing to me
More options Nov 25 (6 days ago)

Dear Allen

Thank you for choosing Netfirms. Enclosed is your Order Summary.

INVOICE NUMBER: 1577074 Date of Order: 2004-11-24
Billed To: Allen Lee
2F, 29, Lane 248, Sec.4
Chung Hsiao East Road, NA 106
Account Name: x----------x
Domain Name - Special 1 4.95
New Registration - 1 Year 2005-11-24
Netfirms Plus Hosting - Special 1 0.00
(2 Months) 250MB, 5GB, 10 E-mails 2005-01-24
Subtotal: 4.95
GST: 0.00
Order Total: 4.95
GST Number: 866219272 All Prices in $USD

Questions?: If you have questions regarding this invoice please
E-mail our Billing Dept. at billing@netfirms.com

dx2 2004-12-01 08:33 PM


vincentliao 2004-12-01 09:13 PM

Dear Best_url 大大,
ps: 您的Coco 有退嗎?

best-url 2004-12-02 12:32 AM


作者: vincentliao";p=&quot (文章 36642)
Dear Best_url 大大,
ps: 您的Coco 有退嗎?

目前還不知道, 但是先前的兩三封信上我告訴他們, 域名不註沒關係, 只要退款即可, 他們就不回應了. 我自上週五之後 每天 re-sending 請他們回應的信一次, 對我完全置之不理, 今天上午重寄時並註明 "last call" - 仍舊無回應 !

我上週給他們的信上就清楚的告訴他們, 如果 收了錢 "不辦事" (實際註冊域名) 的話, 我將會把事情 post 到 域名的論壇上... 他們(就是不甩我)大概想看看我能玩出甚麼鳥 ?! 所以我剛剛至少去七八個論壇上 post 了 ! 最得意的是 我也 post 了一篇到 ICANN 論壇上 !

我已經在 這裡, DNforum, DomainNameForum, DomainState, NamePros, DomainPost 與 TWNIC 貼了, 歡迎版友再提供一些 我還沒想到的域名論壇的 網址, 也歡迎大家有空時到那些版上去 聲援 ! 感謝先嘍 ~~

哈啦 2004-12-02 12:48 AM

~angrytalk 對這些沒道德的商人一定要口誅筆伐。 ~mgunshoot

Ricado 2004-12-02 12:51 AM



best-url 2004-12-02 02:16 AM

現階段以 post 在 NamePros 的討論比較多:


best-url 2004-12-02 02:24 AM

哈哈 ~


Netfirms Billing to me
More options 1:06am (1 hour ago)


I have tried emailing you several times however I have not received a response. The order for x----------x.com has been cancelled. Your credit card was not charged.

Netfirms Inc.

The billing office hours are Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm EST. Should you require any further technical assistance,

please visit http://www.netfirms.com/support.

滿嘴胡言; 為何我收得到這封, 其他的怎麼收不到 ?! <-- 欠罵 活該 !!

仍舊奉勸版友們別去 Netfirms 註冊域名, 以免受氣 !

best-url 2004-12-02 08:03 AM

我僅僅在此先 "告示" 版友, Netfirms 已經來函 "胡說補正" (好像也POST在另外一個論壇了 ?!), 現在故意先不去其他論壇上做 "告示", 過個倆天之後才去, 希望大家對於 Netfirms 的警覺性能加深與提高一些 ~~

所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 10:26 PM

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