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thermenland.com 老外來信
Dear Sirs,
as the former registrar for the domain www.thermenland.com, we would like that you contact us to get the domain back. We had problems with renewing the domain in time and we want to get it back again now. Could you please answer and offer us the transfer of this domain back - we are also the owner of the domain www.thermenland.at. Our adress: Steirisches Thermenland A-8350 Fehring, Rathaus Tel.: 03155/4204-0 Fax: 4204-5 Austria (AT) www.thermenland.at - Region im WWW DIE GESUNDE URLAUBSIDEE !!! With best regards Christoph Burb鐼k Steirisches Thermenland ----------------------------------------------------------------- 又收到了一封老外叫我歸還域名的信了, 哈啦兄,該怎麼回覆他?? ~what (上次那個pawin.com索價不成,對方沒回我 ~dead ) |
看起來像一個地名,這種網址有些麻煩,因為對方顯然有合法的權益在上面,此其一,你缺少合法權益在上面,此其二,加上你的網頁上列著for sale,可被證實為「惡意」,所以如果打起官司,很有可能輸掉。
但是,我想在幾百美元的價位,應可以讓對方接受,畢竟申請一次仲裁就要四千美元,打官司更多。你就直接開價表示願意以這個價位給他們吧。 This is a available domain while I registered it, however, if you want this domain , that I would take an offer at US$200 to part with it now. thanks, 還有,以後找過期網名時,不要只看其他後綴是否有被註,多少了解一下這個網址是什麼,如果哪天sony.com掉了出來,你敢去註嗎?註這種別人自創的品牌或者專屬的地名人名的網址,運氣好可以換個幾百美元,運氣不好就是被仲裁,而一旦仲裁案子多了,對於你其他合法擁有的網名也可能有不好的影響。因為以後假設有人想「劫持」你的網址而跑去仲裁,他可以查到你以前多次被仲裁的紀錄,用以證明你是「常業cybersquatter」,你的輸面就會大增喔 ~rusure |
這樣子有Domain反而要被人勒索,真是得不償失 :(
哈啦兄,該怎麼告訴對方先用paypal將錢匯給我 我再將網址轉移給他們呢?? Dear Mr. Lin, we would like to get the domain www.thermenland.com back and agree to the offer of $ 200,--, if you transfer ist back to us. We would like to give you our adress as the new (and old) registrar: Steirisches Thermenland A-8350 Fehring, Rathaus AUSTRIA, Europe Could you please answer how the transfer can be done and what are the next steps. Do we get a receipt for the transfer You could then transfer the domain with our company listed as the new registrar to Domain Registry of America (www.droa.com). Best regards, Christoph Burb繹ck e-mail: burboeck@thermenland.at Steirisches Thermenland A-8350 Fehring, Rathaus Tel.: 03155/4204-0 Fax: 4204-5 www.thermengutschein.at - Thermengutscheine www.thermenland.at - Region im WWW DIE GESUNDE URLAUBSIDEE !!! |
Thank you for your reply, and here is my paypal account : 你的電郵帳號. Once I received your payment I'll transfer this domain to you immediately. Please give me your enom.com account. Thanks 我很懷疑對方在不認識你的情形下會先匯錢給你再等你轉網名? ~rusure 你這網名在哪註的,我上面是假設你用enom的戶頭。如果不是自己再改。 good luck |
另外,謝謝哈啦兄囉 ~youarebe: |
第一封: Hello, sorry, we do not have a paypal account and also no dotster username. We wanted to renew the domain with the domain registry of america (droa.com) and got a username there. How can we get the domain and what with the paymanet? Please answer, Christoph 第二封: Hello Mr. Lin, we have now a dotster.com username: It is Thermenland Could you send us a receipt for the payment of $ 200 and your account details of your bank (where we could send the money). Best regards, Christoph Burb 哈啦兄,可否幫我寫封信說明使用paypal匯款很容易而且安全有保障, 取信對方申請paypal帳號後匯款給我??不然接受他的國際匯款好像很麻煩的樣子?? ~dead |
而且如果他目前沒有paypal.com的戶頭,從他開戶到能寄二百美元給你,好像得過個十天半個月直到他的第一筆款子被認證為止。 不然你用escrow.com也行,但那樣你就得有匯款帳號的樣子。 我看總得拖上一段時間吧。 Hello, thank you for your reply, however, I can only accept the payment via paypal.com for now, it is an easy and safe method for international transactions, you may use your credit card to pay me thru paypal.com without any hassles and paperworks, it would save our time too. You may find the details about paypal at www.paypal.com. If you have any idea, please let me know. regards, |
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