作者: DoDo
其實總共的費用是 6.20 還加了一個不知道什麼費用....
5.95+0.25 = 6.20(godaday的price必须要自己加上25cents才是最终的购买价格)
那个0.25是交给ICANN的费用( Plus ICANN fee of 25 cents per domain name year)。。。具体解释如下:
This mandatory fee is charged by ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers: www.icann.org). and becomes effective on November 1, 2004. It is 25 cents per domain name registration year. Thus, the fee on a one year .com registration would be 25 cents. The fee would be 50 cents for a two year registration (i.e. 25 cents times 2). Additional years would be at 25 cents per year.
ICANN fees apply to .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name, and .jobs.