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我想將我一個在godaddy註的.info轉到enom, 連續試了兩次都失敗, 以下是godaddy的自動來信: Dear FunKen Lin, The transfer of ****.INFO from GoDaddy.com to another registrar could not be completed for the following reason(s): Express written objection to the transfer from the Transfer Contact. (e.g. - email, fax, paper document or other processes by which the Transfer Contact has expressly and voluntarily objected through opt-in means). Regards, Domain Services GoDaddy.com 我並沒有對這次轉移做出任何deny或objection的動作, 而且該域名早就unlocked了, 照理來說只要在新的註冊商輸入auth code, 經過email confirmation後就可以進行轉移... 不知為何會遇到這種情形, 有人遇過相同的狀況嗎? 懇請告知! 謝謝 ~dead |
特价的? 特价的域名都有clienttransferprohibit
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