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some 2005-12-31 05:41 PM

求助一個英文子句的領悟.. ><
The expected return on an asset is generally not a weighted average of the possible returns with the weights equal to the probability that each possible return will occur


The expected return on an asset is generally not a weighted average of the possible returns with the weights equal to the probability that each possible return will occur


The expected return on an asset is generally not a weighted average of the possible returns with the weights equal to the probability that each possible return will occur

正確子句的從屬是這樣嗎? 有沒有版友可以指點一下
我只要懂這個其它就懂了.. thanks

carl_daxp 2005-12-31 09:32 PM

The expected return on an asset is generally not a weighted average

the possible returns with the weights equal to the probability

each possible return will occur

some 2006-01-01 04:45 AM

感謝 carl_daxp 的指導^^

哈啦 2006-01-01 05:57 AM

原文不太了解 :roll: ,而carl_daxp的回文也看不懂 ~embarass: ,請問這是什麼意思?

carl_daxp 2006-01-01 09:47 AM

這個句子的結構很扭結, 把這個長句子分成三段, 看起來比較容易了解這句子的含義.

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