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搜尋: 文章作者: cnnetbiz
版面: 電腦網路相關技術 2004-11-08, 02:04 PM
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作者 cnnetbiz
who offers servers in TaiWang?

Please contact me with your offer.

80G harddisk
traffic: 1000G+

PM me or mail to me , thanks!
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2004-11-08, 01:53 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 25,721
作者 cnnetbiz
你們現在還有做 特價嘛 我有興趣 要找那一位 可以說中文的[/quote] ...

你們現在還有做 特價嘛

要找那一位 可以說中文的[/quote]

You may try their Free Web-Hosting Promotion. 3 months Free without any cost if you become their reseller.
版面: 網域名稱評價 2004-10-12, 04:24 PM
回覆: 8
查看: 9,251
作者 cnnetbiz
Now I decide to sell such domain name, the...

Now I decide to sell such domain name, the current price is $250, Please contact me via email if you want to increase such price. thanks,
版面: 國際網域名稱 2004-09-01, 05:49 PM
回覆: 20
查看: 19,601
作者 cnnetbiz
If the price is less than $6, I think you will...

If the price is less than $6, I think you will pay for extra fee , for example , the DNS fee or the some other valued added service. I don't like the registrar less than $6, since I know that the...
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2004-08-31, 07:47 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 25,721
作者 cnnetbiz
CNOBIN's Mode B just like Enom's PDQ,while it is...

CNOBIN's Mode B just like Enom's PDQ,while it is not support mutil-reseller level, And it is very like Godaddy's WWD's panel, while for small reseller, I recommend CNOBIN's Mode B...
版面: 網域名稱評價 2004-08-31, 07:40 PM
回覆: 8
查看: 9,251
作者 cnnetbiz

版面: 網域名稱評價 2004-08-30, 10:44 PM
回覆: 8
查看: 9,251
作者 cnnetbiz
kevin, if you like such domain name , you...


if you like such domain name , you can contact me via email, thanks!
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2004-08-30, 10:41 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 25,721
作者 cnnetbiz
now it is promotional period, it is $6.49, the...

now it is promotional period, it is $6.49, the normal price is $6.59. its turn key website support Paypal...
I find their support is quite well.
Well , registerfly's prepayment is quite huge:(
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2004-08-27, 02:47 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 25,721
作者 cnnetbiz
NO, the company is bizcn.com,Inc. their USA...

NO, the company is bizcn.com,Inc. their USA office is located in CA, usa. While I find that their custoemr service is quite excellent(can speak english and chinese), you can live chat via MSN, or...
版面: 網域名稱評價 2004-08-25, 04:15 PM
回覆: 8
查看: 9,251
作者 cnnetbiz

everyone give me some suggestion about such domain name. Thanks. ~youarebe:
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2004-08-25, 04:09 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 25,721
作者 cnnetbiz

I just apply for a Premier account at CNOBIN(www.cnobin.com). Any one can give me some suggestions about it? I just prepay $300 , can enjoy $6.49 for domain name. :hehe
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