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搜尋: 文章作者: DS_Sam
版面: 流量與點擊賺錢 2004-12-29, 05:50 AM
回覆: 29
查看: 19,165
作者 DS_Sam
Hi Everyone, Sorry about the late response...

Hi Everyone,

Sorry about the late response to your greetings and inquiries. Our office was closed for the Christmas Holiday.

Below are the responses to your inquiries

- Please contact...
版面: 流量與點擊賺錢 2004-12-24, 03:12 AM
回覆: 29
查看: 19,165
作者 DS_Sam
Hello Everyone, It is my pleasure to be...

Hello Everyone,

It is my pleasure to be invited on this board by Vincent. I must apologize that I can't type in Chinese because I came to US when I was 9 yrs old. However, I can read and speak...
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