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搜尋: 文章作者: IdeaGuy
版面: 問題意見與求助 2014-08-09, 11:13 PM
回覆: 13
查看: 16,324
作者 IdeaGuy
Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate the...

Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate the thought. 謝謝你!
版面: 問題意見與求助 2014-08-08, 07:53 PM
回覆: 13
查看: 16,324
作者 IdeaGuy
Gump, 你好。台灣人也可以,只要有護照就可以了。 八月28號下午(30分鐘左右 @ ...

Gump, 你好。台灣人也可以,只要有護照就可以了。
八月28號下午(30分鐘左右 @ Central MTR Station)。事先可以吃飯聊天。
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2013-01-17, 06:44 PM
回覆: 3
查看: 3,067
作者 IdeaGuy
Very cool! ~youarebe:

Very cool! ~youarebe:
版面: 網址註冊、移轉及設定 2013-01-07, 06:00 PM
回覆: 147
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作者 IdeaGuy
Has anyone received a reply from Groupon?

Has anyone received a reply from Groupon?
版面: 網址註冊、移轉及設定 2013-01-04, 02:02 PM
回覆: 147
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作者 IdeaGuy
Still 2 hours left for: ...

Still 2 hours left for:



And, 24 hours for:
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-12-24, 06:46 PM
回覆: 9
查看: 6,041
作者 IdeaGuy
Merry Christmas Everyone :songyy

Merry Christmas Everyone :songyy
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-12-12, 10:25 PM
回覆: 2
查看: 3,410
作者 IdeaGuy
Interesting lecture ~yes 9fu, are Taiwanese...

Interesting lecture ~yes

9fu, are Taiwanese actually concerned with the issues of morality and market values discussed? I think the lecture fits more with a western audience.
版面: 數位化世界新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-26, 12:21 AM
回覆: 3
查看: 4,492
作者 IdeaGuy
Interesting article ~youarebe: thanks! It's...

Interesting article ~youarebe: thanks!

It's long, but it's worth the time - English Version (http://paulgraham.com/startupideas.html)
版面: 數位化世界新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-22, 01:02 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 5,021
作者 IdeaGuy
Their foreigner directors should know the...

Their foreigner directors should know the Internet is the best way to reach young people. ~cici
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-22, 12:04 AM
回覆: 7
查看: 4,133
作者 IdeaGuy
Exactly, unless you're the end-user they're a...

Exactly, unless you're the end-user they're a risky bet.
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-21, 11:29 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 4,133
作者 IdeaGuy
The radio test is 100% necessary for companies...

The radio test is 100% necessary for companies advertising on the radio ~cici

"The “radio test” for domain names is this: can a potential customer find a company website after listening to a...
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-21, 10:45 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 4,133
作者 IdeaGuy
This is how it's supposed to be pronounced: “If...

This is how it's supposed to be pronounced:
“If you take a look at Svpply you pronounce it "Supply", but the V is supposed to make it look Roman and/or cool, you'll figure it out right away.”
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-20, 09:07 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 3,720
作者 IdeaGuy
Good point. You can also add ster to...

Good point.

You can also add ster to inanimate objects to create cool brands.

I.e., Porsche Boxster
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-20, 08:59 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 3,720
作者 IdeaGuy
You're welcome By definition they have the...

You're welcome

By definition they have the same meaning. Domainer has become an industry term. I think Domainster would be more informal.

Sure, make your own words ~youarebe: But, I'd want to...
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-20, 08:44 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 3,720
作者 IdeaGuy
I'm guessing it depends on how it sounds when you...

I'm guessing it depends on how it sounds when you modify the noun.

Wanter Vs. Wantster

the sufffix -ster is used when -er does not apply. -ster and -er indicate the same thing. -er as a suffix...
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-20, 08:01 PM
回覆: 7
查看: 3,720
作者 IdeaGuy
-ster that suffix modifies a noun (or...


that suffix modifies a noun (or adjective) to create a new noun that serves to associate a person or thing involved with the original noun.

a gangster is a person involved in a...
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-19, 09:24 PM
回覆: 18
查看: 7,871
作者 IdeaGuy
Congratulations 哈啦 ~youarebe: Looks like the best...

Congratulations 哈啦 ~youarebe: Looks like the best end-user for that domain.
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-17, 01:43 AM
回覆: 33
查看: 247,197
作者 IdeaGuy
Interesting to know hyphenated domains can do...

Interesting to know hyphenated domains can do well. It's easy to see how the keywords are the reason for the high prices. But, I'm confused about a couple of those domains.

For example:...
版面: 數位化世界新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-14, 10:39 PM
回覆: 4
查看: 5,158
作者 IdeaGuy
Agreed.... Brandable domains are making huge...

Agreed.... Brandable domains are making huge profits if they add value.

The important fact would be they develop their online properties like a business....
版面: 數位化世界新聞與觀察評論 2012-11-14, 10:31 PM
回覆: 4
查看: 5,158
作者 IdeaGuy
ConsumerBrands.com is great example of having a...

ConsumerBrands.com is great example of having a clear focus.

"Our key mission is to build audiences by creating useful, powerful and engaging content." - That's very attractive to partners and...
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-11-12, 01:27 AM
回覆: 21
查看: 10,519
作者 IdeaGuy
---- PM sent

---- PM sent
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-11-11, 11:44 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 10,519
作者 IdeaGuy
None of my Taiwanese friends understand internet...

None of my Taiwanese friends understand internet business... that's why I'm happy to meet people from this forum.

I'm planning to stay for one year. Are you in Taipei?
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-11-11, 11:25 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 10,519
作者 IdeaGuy
No, I don't work in Taipei. I'm on an...

No, I don't work in Taipei.

I'm on an extended vacation. Taiwan is such a nice and convenient country.
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-11-11, 09:37 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 10,519
作者 IdeaGuy
That's a killer site! I see how it could take up...

That's a killer site! I see how it could take up huge amounts of time... great job!
版面: 影音及閑聊測試區 2012-11-11, 09:31 PM
回覆: 21
查看: 10,519
作者 IdeaGuy
Agreed...It's so hard to find focus with many...

Agreed...It's so hard to find focus with many domains.

Does TW have an aftermarket? Do you also invest in .com.tw or .tw?
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