不過很奇怪的說,我明明是只入款$5.55嘗試看看,他們說是paypal fee ,已經答應不收我paypal fee,但我登錄賬戶發現變成 $6.09 奇怪……
還會送多$0.54 ??
This is because the added amount is not large. The more added amount -
the lower fee. These are PayPal rules we can't change it.
We just found that we have not placed the information about PayPal
fees at our site.
Please, accept the missing $0.52 as a compensation of your
inconvenience, and you are more then welcome to register the domain
names with us!
Please let us know if you still insist on the refund process and we refund your money without any delay.
此篇文章於 2007-11-26 12:26 PM 被 kuer 編輯。