舊 2003-12-08, 06:46 PM
some some 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-09-23
住址: 屏東
文章: 3,612
預設 [HELP] www.rock.com 要買我的網址!

對我一個八個字母的.com 有興趣..

Hi there,

I'm a domain investor. After doing a keyword search I have found your domain for sale.
I've decided to contact you direct via email. I've found your email address via WHO IS.

Is this domain still available for sale ?

If it's still available for sale please email me your asking price.

If you have other good domains for sale feel free to email me the full list with asking prices.

If I can afford your domain I'll contact you. Please don't send me multiple emails if you don't receive a reply from me and keep my email address confidential.
Just email me your asking price. If I decide to buy I'll contact you as soon as possible.

Do you have a PayPal account ?

Best Regards,

Anthony Griffin

nice to meet you                   flickr