請問sedo escrow 的注意事項
Welcome to Sedo, and congratulations on your sale. The negotiations for the domain
XXXXXX have been successfully concluded, with the final agreed price standing at
USD???????. We will now aid you in the transfer process.
We shall create an invoice in your name and place it in the buyer旧 user account.
Once the payment is safely in our secure escrow account, we shall ask the buyer to
make a transfer request at his registrar, or, if the buyer has an account at the
domain旧 current registrar, ask you to move it to his account. In the meantime,
please make sure that the admin-c email address is correct and functional.
Once the transfer has been completed and the Whois information reflects the new
owner, we will then process payment to you. Please ensure that your bank details or
PayPal address in your user account are correct and up to date.
Should you have any further queries, or require any assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
This is an automatically generated notification. Please do not reply to this email.
sedo 也只是看 whois 有沒有改變喔?
那我隨便改改whois, 那對方的錢不就被我吃了?
看來 escrow . com 和 sedo escrow 的驗證方式都一樣阿?
那我收到上面的信, 直接把域名 push 給買家就好了嗎?