舊 2008-07-23, 04:03 PM
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預設 EnCirca 又要降價處促銷 dot PRO 了

Prices Slashed for Dot-Pro Domains:
EnCirca Announces 50 Percent Discount for Dot-Pro's Re-Launch

Boston, MA, July 23, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Effective July 21, 12:00 pm Eastern Time, dot-pro domain names can be registered on a first-come, first-served basis for just $49 for one year. EnCirca (www.encirca.pro) is slashing its dot-pro domain name pricing by over 50 percent to celebrate the re-launch of the dot-pro domain name. For the first time, licensed professionals from anywhere in the world will be eligible to register dot-pro domain names on a first-come, first-served basis at www.encirca.pro.

“The dot-pro landrush is first-come, first-serve, which means all licensed professionals can grab their brand name in advance of the re-launch in September.” says Thomas Barrett, President of EnCirca, the leading dot-pro registrar. “There has never been a better time for professionals to secure their online identity with a dot-pro domain name.”

Dot-pro domain names work just like dot-com domains, with the ability for fully featured websites and email addresses. The extension is already universally recognized on the Internet as the premium space for licensed professionals.

“We are thrilled to finally be able to offer the dot-pro domain to licensed professionals from around the globe,” says Catherine Sigmar, general manager of RegistryPro. “We are expecting enormous interest in the dot-pro domain with this expansion and we are pleased to be able to meet the needs of the market with this offering.”

There are no restrictions on the types of names a business may register. Businesses may register industry keywords, search engine terms, company names, or their trademarks. There is no limit to how many dot-pro domain names an individual or company can register. The $49 special dot-pro price is available only for the first year of new registrations.

Qualified businesses and licensed professionals from any country in the world can register their business names, trademarks, product names, marketing slogans and personal names.

Some of the businesses and professions eligible for dot-pro include: Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers, Doctors, Architects, Dentists, Educators, Chiropractors, Veterinarians, Surveyors, Plumbers, Inspectors, Investment Advisors, Real Estate Brokers, Insurance Brokers, Nurses, Opticians, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, Social Workers, Building Contractors, Electricians, Patent and Trademark Examiners, Court Reporters, Police and Fire Safety Officers and any other profession where an official credential is required for a business or individual to offer services.

EnCirca 又要降價處促銷 dot PRO 了 -
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