舊 2008-08-28, 01:17 AM
traffic traffic 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-05-17
文章: 117
預設 令人困惑的SEDO 出售新界面

Domain StatisticsDomain listed since:
August 2008
Visitors to this Sedo offer page:
765 (previous 31 days)

每個Seller 都願意標示這個日期嗎? 後臺不能給一個關閉選項??
這種標示,萬一Seller 的name有商標,或者其他或大或小的爭議。豈不是...

Meet the sellerCountry of origin:
Value added Tax (VAT) Status:
Not Applicable
Sedo community member since:
June 2006
Seller activity indexBETA)
Rate this feature

Meet the sellerCountry of origin: 更是奇怪! 這個應該涉及到Seller 隱私了吧?
Sedo community member since 這個且不論是否屬於Seller 隱私,標示出來有意義嗎??

Seller activity index
活躍度? 個人認爲純屬畫蛇添足 。sedo不是ebay
難道sedo認爲 123.com 在活躍或者不活躍的Seller 手裏,價值不一樣?

所有上述條目,爲什麽不能給Seller ( Buyer) 在後臺設置個可選項??

Display Parking Statistics
*Do not display parking statistics if fewer than 50 unique visits have been recorded the last 31 days.
*Apply this setting to all of my domains

*Apply this setting to all of my domains 嘗試了3次!無效!! 不知道其他版友是否也...