舊 2008-11-08, 12:41 AM
music39419 music39419 目前離線
註冊日期: 2008-03-18
文章: 8
預設 緊急求助 為什麼我的enom帳號出現警告訊息

剛剛登入後 就出現這個警告...

Phishing Alert:
We recently became aware of the below fraudulent email circulating to customers requesting that customers log into their accounts to correct inaccurate WHOIS information.

Here is an image of the e-mail.

That email is not legitimate, and we believe it is an attempt to compromise your accounts and/or domain names.

If you have received the email above and you attempted to log into your accounts using the links in the email, login to your account and immediately go to My Info to update your password and your secret question/answer. If you believe that your account has been compromised, please contact us.
