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註冊日期: 2007-03-15
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帖子 Taiwane.se Helped to Rectify the Nation Name of Taiwan

.SE 註冊局,寫一封 email 說,他們會從瑞典寄一封紙本域名續費通知來台灣。

地址寫的是︰「Taiwan, Province of China」。

這樣子,信會寄到 China,再來被仍掉。

所以,還是寫了一封 email 去正名,如果成功,將一勞永逸。
.想說之前 IEEE 正名 "Taiwan" 成功了,官方甚至寫信來道歉&支持。

反正試試,再來,既然是 Taiwane.se,還考慮架設正名網站。

Wrong Nation Name Should Be Correct

*To: .SE Domain Name Authority
*From: Chennien.Net

Dearest .SE Domain Name Authority,

We have trouble updating the country field of the postal address. Since the name in the country list aren't correct at all, the postal mails delivered to the wrong addresses will definitely lose.

Taiwan is an independent nation which is not connected with the Eurasia Continent. As a result, it isn't a district of China. Due to the violent and fake one-China policy announced by China government, the name of "Taiwan" was forced to change into "Taiwan, Province of China" illegally.
However, all the mails sent to "Taiwan, Province of China" will be transferred to "China" mistakenly, instead of the proper destination, Taiwan. In order to assure the deliveries of the postal mails to Taiwan can be made accurately, we strongly suggest that the wrong name correct into "Taiwan." That is, please do remove the suffix, "province of China" of the nation name.

Also, because our Taiwanese address got the wrong nation name, we are also wondering if the address can be correct. Our .SE domain name is " Taiwane.se " with the customer account number "8*******."

We appreciate your help and information.
Thank you so much and happy New Year!

Sincerely yours,

7F, No.8, Lane 169, Beixin Road,
Danshui Town, Taipei County 25165,
Taiwan, TW

作者: chennien 查看文章
.SE 瑞典網域名稱


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