舊 2009-03-21, 02:12 PM
yarkshow 的頭像
yarkshow yarkshow 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-01-06
住址: 广州
文章: 267
發送 ICQ 消息給 yarkshow 發送 AIM 消息給 yarkshow 發送 MSN 消息給 yarkshow 發送 Yahoo! 消息給 yarkshow 發送 Skype™ 消息給 yarkshow
預設 域名移转注册商过程中遇到问题,求助

Transfer has been authorized by the administrative contact and will soon be requested.

Unable to perform successful DomainInfo command on domain. Domain not yet transfered.

Transfer request was unsuccessful. Will keep trying. Registry Info: 2304: Object status prohibits operation
