舊 2009-04-08, 10:11 PM
kam 的頭像
kam kam 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-06-16
住址: HK
文章: 1,496

.....剛剛Transfer Center 的Status 更新了....

出現了一項Invoice Request....
The buyer has submitted payment to our escrow and has requested an invoice. Please create an invoice and upload it as a PDF within the Transfer Documents section or send us the invoice by fax to +49 221.34030.109. Please issue an invoice with the full amount XXX USD with the following details.

My reply as follow
I have no ideas how to create a invoice for the buyer.

Where can I find the invoice templates ?

Please let me know,

還是email 比較方便......那個Invoice Request 太麻煩了吧.